non-compatible BIOS workaround

Forum: USB booting
Topic: non-compatible BIOS workaround
started by: pbransford

Posted by pbransford on Jan. 05 2006,17:47
I don't know if everyone knows, but the FreeBSD bootloader will allow you to boot from any partition (be it hard drive, cd, or usb) if the drive is plugged in before it loads.

If you use grub or lilo on your hard drive, install it to a partition instead of the MBR, and get the freebsd boot loader on the MBR. It is very small and simple, each boot option gets an F1-F12 key, and it remembers the last one. It also has a short description (seems very intelligent).

If you use the windows boot loader, just stick the freebsd loader on, and it will coexist peacefully.

Posted by Avinux on Jan. 06 2006,11:31
does that mean I can download it and I can start using usb drives to boot from ( my bios isn't compatible with usb booting)

if so please provide a link to the download

thank you

Posted by pbransford on Jan. 07 2006,19:52
I don't know how to install it straight, rather I had tried freebsd some time earlier and decided to keep the bootloader when I ditched it. I'll see if I can find out.
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