getting outside qemudsl?Forum: USB booting Topic: getting outside qemudsl? started by: zelmoby Posted by zelmoby on Jan. 05 2006,21:05
i've been using qemudsl now for a little bit, but i'm stumped as to getting "outside" the os. i thought i found my host computer's hd in /mnt/hda1/mnt as hda, but i couldn't mount the drive. besides that, i've been impressed with the detection capabilities of this little os. i'm also working with puppy, but that so far has been unable to access the network like dsl has. ![]() *edit* when i try root@box:/mnt/hda1/mnt# mount ../dev/hda ./hda i get mount: you must specify the filesystem type since i'm on a windows box, i tried vfat and ntfs, but neither one worked, and i got mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on ../dev/hda, or too many mounted filesystems so...i checked options, and -t is a valid option, but how would i check a superblock or know how many is too many mounted filesystems?[/B][B] Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 06 2006,04:09
hda is NOT your "real" hard drive when running DSL Embedded in qemu.It is the read-only KNOPPIX compressed image file, similar to the livecd's KNOPPIX file. It is read-only. If you want to work with your host computer's hard drive files, see this thread: < > Posted by zelmoby on Jan. 06 2006,14:19
ah, okay, that was more helpful. i followed your link here, and then from there i went to the thread on < hard drive veiwing >. i get that i'd need to set file sharing for the windows drives, but what if i'm unable to do that due to a lack of privs, say, on a public box?
Posted by dare2dreamer on Jan. 06 2006,19:32
You can also use smbclient if you just need to grab a few files.
Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 07 2006,05:13
If you are on a public box, try an alternative approach.Say, for example: Open yahoo or gmail from inside MSWindows and email the files to yourself as attachments. Then open up the same email client from inside DSL and read your own mail and save the attachments. You can probably think of other ideas along the same line of thinking. Posted by zelmoby on Jan. 07 2006,17:11
okay, cool; thanks guys