
Forum: USB booting
Topic: Boot
started by: Traf

Posted by Traf on Jan. 06 2006,10:07

I've unzipped the to my USB stick and read the readme.txt etc.

I succesfully booted dsl from *inside* windows by opening the .bat-file, but I can't make it boot without windows. I've configured my BIOS to boot from the USB-drive before the HDD.

When it's trying, it says something about a disk error. I'm guessing it could be something like it doesn't have a boot-sector (just a guess).

Do anyone of you know what I should do to make it work?

Posted by Avinux on Jan. 06 2006,11:25
simple, you downloaded the embedded version of DSL, the one that is only meant to be started inside windows

go back and download the .iso version of dsl and then download that to a cd-rw (so you can erase it and reuse it again, unless you don't want to which in that case you would use a cd-r)

reboot your system and on startup enter setup change the boot order so that the cd drive boots up first and then before you exit setup open your cd drive and put your cd in

after linux has booted (this is essentially what you wanted to do, but it's running from a cd)
right click on the desktop go to apps-->tools-->install to usb pendrive-->
and the choose either:

zip- DSL is saved to it's own partiton on your thumbrive
HDD- no partitions DSL is stored with everything else

then you can delete the cd you made (if you're using a cd-rw) and then just use your usb drive

remember: change order in set up when you reboot your computer again

Posted by Traf on Jan. 06 2006,12:21
If I do so, won't I loose the effect to boot from inside windows?

If so, is it possible to make it bootable "outside" and "inside" windows?

Posted by Avinux on Jan. 06 2006,19:37
I'm not positive of this but if you install DSL the way I told you and then go back to windows and put the embedded file on it then you should be okay

when you want to run it inside windows open the usb device from my computer and go to the file that says emedded-dsl and run it how you normally do

I'm not sure though how this will efect booting up DSL from startup so save the installs that you downloaded and use them in a trial and error way

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