Cant manage to make a USB thingy

Forum: USB booting
Topic: Cant manage to make a USB thingy
started by: NPHSalliance

Posted by NPHSalliance on Mar. 20 2006,02:25
well, ive tried a lot of guides, but can't manage to make a bootable pen drive. I also tried the guide in the mac os topic on this board. If you can post an EXTREMELY EASY step-by-step guide, that would be nice. By easy i mean, i dont understand "open a terminal and cd to the destination" if you can.
Posted by Dish on Mar. 22 2006,20:39
I also have not gotten it to work, but I understand the terminal part.  the easiest way to do it is to make a folder of the bootfloppy-usb.img and the .iso with a name that has no spaces (or _ for the spaces) and to put it in the root of your HD (in other words, go to your finder window, the one with applications, movies, music and such on the side, and click the macintosh HD icon in the top left of the window, and put the folder in there).  Now, enter terminal, and put in

cd /(the name of the folder you created)

now, in the next part, there is a bit of a mistake by the author (I presume you are using < these > instructions, second post.  first, go into disk utility and click info on the top.  Find disk identifier in the new window and keep that in mind.  now the mistake by the author is this.  in the instructions, he says to type sudo if=....  But, though I'm not positive about this at all, I have typed in

sudo dd if=....

and it has worked.  so you need to type into the terminal (after the cd thing)

sudo dd if=bootfloppy-usb.img of=/dev/diskX bs=512 count=1

every time I have done that, following the instructions perfectly (unmounting partition and such) I have had a problem where the disk says I only have 1.4mb of space left, even though it is a 256mb cruzer micro by SanDisk.  Really wierd.

If i figure it out I'll post here again.

Keep trying!   :D

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