Erm...Help Please?Forum: USB booting Topic: Erm...Help Please? started by: benevolent Posted by benevolent on April 12 2006,13:43
Hi i was reading about this operating platform in a magazine and would like to know more please! I was just wondering, wot does the usb thingy do, and wot about the hard drive thing? Can i actually carry a whole operating system on a 1gb usb stick? Wot about any additional hard drive space?NEED INFO NOW! How does it help a normal home user (i just want to explore different platforms) Please tell me more about this TOPIC ASAP! Thank you! Posted by doobit on April 12 2006,15:16
You might start by reading the information that's already here, in the wiki, and on the home page, and on the reviews scattered about on the web.< > < > < > < > Posted by soinsg on April 19 2006,13:12 is a cover sheet for a domain squatter.I think you meant < > Posted by doobit on April 19 2006,16:15
Yes, your right! That dirty bugger!There is a some new info in the Wiki now too! Finally! Check it out. It's a more detailed intro to using DSL. Posted by benevolent on April 19 2006,17:41
Thanx a lot m8s! u really helped me!fanx! Dat operating sytem is "sick"! The only reason why it works, is cuz of u guys! Cudn't have done it wivout u! Thanx m8s once again! Posted by mpen on April 19 2006,18:38
1GB? HA! *laughs*I'm running it from a 64mb stick (the smallest it fits on) at school and the staff don't suspect a thing... it's great because they can't check up on you with their vnc servers built into windows ![]() Posted by benevolent on April 19 2006,19:06
Erm...yo! How did u do that? Wot programs did u install, n how does that thing work? I don;t undastand! Wot files are on the usb thin? PLease can u send me a list of apps/files? That wud b really useful!?!? Thanx! Posted by pr0f3550r on April 20 2006,17:27
Well, I am actually carrying DSL with me on a 1Gb stick, which is overkill, as the OS, including QEMU and the virtual drive, plus my own rubbish, is about 115 MB. |