Permission problem on hda1 with swapfile

Forum: USB booting
Topic: Permission problem on hda1 with swapfile
started by: DiSpicabLe

Posted by DiSpicabLe on May 06 2006,11:21
I have set up a swapfile on hda1 using to swapon at bootup.  Now I can only get access to hda1 as root.  this would be okay except I want to download dsl apps to hda1 and only dsl can execute these apps.  (I don't have enough ramdrive to save apps there.)  I have tried using chmod, but the permissions on the drive do not change.

Any suggestions.


Posted by roberts on May 06 2006,17:09
Swap is not used for storing user files, nor is it accessed by any user. It properly setup it is used only by the system as a sort of memory. So maybe you have a swapfile on a hard drive partition and not swap on the whole partition?

For normal hard drive partitions, hda1 they are default root owned.
You could use the file manager, emelfm as super user and drag and  drop your extensions. This is the default method provided by the warning message to save extensions before shutdown. This should work across all install types.

There are several other ways to change this default behavior depending on your install type.

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