Help needed pleaseForum: USB booting Topic: Help needed please started by: marstonis Posted by marstonis on June 11 2006,09:51
All the threads I have read have been directing me to install from the live cd, but what if I do not have a live cd or a cd burner?What are my options? Thanks in advance, Martin. Posted by ZoOp on June 11 2006,10:45
Hi,usb pendrive (you have to have USB-HDD or USB-ZIP boot options in your bios) cf-cards (If your machine can boot from a pcmcia slot/from a cf-usb slot) sd-cards (If your machine can boot from a sd-slot). If you have a cd-rom but no burner/no burner programme, just download the iso on a pendrive or a card, find one of your friend or an internet coffee in order to burn the iso on a cd(rw is also possible) (in my area, you can have this service for very few money), then run the cd in your cd-rom in order to explore the install possibilities (5, I guess) that you have. One of my prefered install way is frugal with grub as bootloader, but DSL is nomadic, and it gives you the possibility to be used off of the disk like other classical live cd (knoppix f.ex.). In order to test DSL, you also can run it from within a windows machine; in order to do this, download the appropriate DSL .zip file from the appropriate repository (look at the main DSL pages), unpack it somewhere on your hd, and run it by hitting the appropriate .bat file (look for more infos in the very well documented forum). It functions very well with winxp, it should with win 98 too, but I am just guessing regarding that last point (I don't have a win machine since years... ![]() I hope this can help you a bit further. yours z Posted by marstonis on June 11 2006,13:40
well unfortunetly I am just not in the position to get the iso burned, and as for windows....Well, I said I would never look at a windows ui again, like over 6 years ago and have not gone back as yet.Thanks anyway. Posted by kerry on June 11 2006,17:18
You can help support DSL and order a cd or maybe even a machine from the DSL store.->< > |