Possible to boot USB-ZIP and run Qemu?

Forum: USB booting
Topic: Possible to boot USB-ZIP and run Qemu?
started by: deslock

Posted by deslock on July 13 2006,14:28
Pardon the newbie question, but...

I have a flash drive setup for booting a computer via USB-ZIP.  Can I modify that flavor of DSL to also be able to run inside Windows/Linux ala Qemu like with DSL-embedded? (or modify DSL-embedded to be bootable via USB-ZIP?)  I read something about a 5-way install script, but I haven't found details on this.  

I quickly compared the two versions and there are some differences in some of the common files (syslinux.cfg, minirt24.gz, logo.16, and boot.msg) in addition to each version having files that the other does not.


Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on July 13 2006,23:27
I don't think that script has been updated in a while...

You could place qemu manually.. i.e. download dsl-embedded, extract it to some place in your usb drive with the exception of the KNOPPIX image, then edit the configs (.bat and/or .sh i think) to point qemu to the location to the KNOPPIX image.

Also, DSL-embedded is not bootable by default- as this was meant to be executed under a host OS.  /http://damnsmalllinux.org/static/act-ST/f-18/t-14371 might help if you want to start with qemu first.

Ends up with teh same result, I should think.

Posted by Technoman on July 21 2006,14:05
Yes, it is possible and relatively simple. Here's the link to a blog that has done it.

< WildBill's Blogdom >

Or if you'd like it simplified to steps...

1. Get DSL-Embedded.zip
Get DSL-xxxx.iso

2. Burn DSL-xxxx.iso to a CD or DVD and boot from it as a live cd.

3. When booted, selected the Install to USB-HDD option with your Flash Drive plugged in and CAREFULLY follow the wizard.

4. Reboot into your original OS and Unzip DSL-Embedded.zip over everything on your flashdrive. (I.E. When it ask you if you want to overwrite say "Yes to All")

5. TaDa! You can now boot off the flashdrive normally or run the same OS in emulation with dsl-windows.bat or dsl-linux.sh (NOTE: Overwriting the files with qemu changes boot promps so to properly boot off the flash drive you'll need to enter
dsl fromhd=/dev/sda1 qemu frugal
at the boot prompt. I found it helpful to modify boot.msg to display that so that I don't forget and type it wrong.)

EDIT: The note in step 5 isn't necessary to properly boot off the flash drive with 3.0 but then you end up with two different installations, or so it seems so far.

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