Generate Custmized Live DSL ISO USB or CDROM Image

Forum: USB booting
Topic: Generate Custmized Live DSL ISO USB or CDROM Image
started by: knuddi

Posted by knuddi on July 28 2006,21:47
I have installed DSL on my HDD and I boot from there. Based on the HDD hosted DSL, I create/integrate my own, customized DSL. I.e., I install additional packages, add users, configure Linux etc. This is a process taking place over a longer period of time and I will boot up and shut down the computer during that period.

Now, I would like to be able to create bootable snapshots (ISO images) from this live HDD installation when I see fit. It should be possible:

1. To boot from this image from CDROM or a USB stick into RAM and run my customized DSL on an HDD-less PC.

2.  To boot from this image from CDROM or a USB stick into RAM and install the customized DSL on an internal HDD if the target computer has such, and subsequently boot from the DSL HDD installation.

=> Basically what this boils down to, is to generate new DSL ISO images from a customized, HDD hosted DSL. This image should be like the original DSL ISO image downloaded from the DSL site. <=

It is not clear to me if "mkmydsl" could do this, but I reckon it cannot.

Can someone explain me the steps to do this, or send me the link to a guide explaining this?


Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on July 29 2006,01:06
Yes it can, it's a script to place your packages for mydsl's autoload/optional
but it is not a remaster of the original dsl image, only the ISO image is changed in this case.

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