boot frozen on "looking for knoppix image file in"Forum: USB booting Topic: boot frozen on "looking for knoppix image file in" started by: stevensol Posted by stevensol on Oct. 23 2006,03:10
I've installed DSL correctly onto a usb mem stick, set up the bios correctly, and I'e been able to boot into OS. But all it will do is scan for usb devices and finish, then it will start looking for the knoppix image file in scd1 and sda1. It will only look in those two places, then it stops booting. It's like it doesn't know that the USB stick its booting from is even connected to the computer. Please help.
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 23 2006,13:13
How did you install it? (might not be correct for your system)List all the files and directory structure on your usb drive - make sure a ~50mb KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX file is there. You could also try booting with fromusb or fromhd=/dev/sda1 It sees your usb - that's sda. Posted by stevensol on Oct. 23 2006,13:43
Thanks for the reply. Alright Im gonna explain the circumstances here. I installed from XP. The way I installed DSL to my USB drive is unzipping the to the drive. I then ran syslinux 331 through DOS onto the USB drive. Here is the current structure of my USB drive. I've tried both the fromhd and fromusb boot commands, neither work. I also tried boot:dsl qemu frugal... didn't work. I should also tell you that I have a 20 gig USB hd attached to my comp as well. So I don't know which device is which. Should I unhook the other usb drive? I know that when DSL scans for usb devices that it detects the 20 gig drive because I hear the head moving. I'm assuming the 20 gig would be sda, so what would my USB stick be? edit- and there is in fact a ~50mb KNOPPIX file within the KNOPPIX folder. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 23 2006,15:14
The order depends on how your BIOS assigns it. In this case though, 2 active usb ports should have been detected...What filesystem is the drive? (I think usb ones need to be fat16/msdos type) You could try the other guides .. some users have varying results depending on what usbkey they have. Also, try renaming the 50-mb KNOPPIX file to 'knoppix'. I know the fat fs is case-insensitive, but it seems like the default syslinux.cfg uses BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix Posted by stevensol on Oct. 23 2006,15:52
The drive is formatted in fat32. I will try renaming the knoppix file and if that doesn't work I will reformat to fat16. Posted by stevensol on Oct. 23 2006,16:03
Renaming the knoppix file didn't work. The boot process is still freezing on 'looking for DSL image in /dev/sda1.'Should I try fat16? Or should should I try switching the boot priority in the bios from USB-zip (1) to USB-FDD (2). This is so strange.... ![]() Posted by stevensol on Oct. 23 2006,23:03
That did it... I made the first boot device USB-FDD instead of USB-zip... it booted into the OS. But my mouse doesn't work. ![]() It's a Microsoft USB optical intellimouse. Any thing need to do to get the mouse working? Keyboard works just not usb mouse. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,02:41
Ah, I assumed you were already using usb-hdd.Just wondering - are you using a laptop? You could run xsetup (either use it as a bootcode or run it from the menu or run and select USB mouse. Posted by stevensol on Oct. 24 2006,03:12
No laptop... I'm using a desktop. What is the excat command I was use at the boot screen? Posted by stevensol on Oct. 24 2006,04:08
Well wtf now its not even booting... I'm so confused... Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,04:13
It would be "dsl xsetup" - see the wiki or the F2/F3 screen for more info.heh.. what's the error now? :/ Posted by stevensol on Oct. 24 2006,04:51
now... it just wont boot at all. bios keeps sayin boot error... failed to boot enter system disk and press enter. or remove any media and restart. ![]() ![]() Posted by humpty on Oct. 24 2006,05:46
"don't panic" (-HGTTG)go back to bios, don't use USB-FDD. see if it at least boots. then try fromhd=/dev/sdb1 Posted by stevensol on Oct. 24 2006,13:47
Yaaaaaaaaaaay... lol I'm responding from within DSL running from my USB drive. Like you said humpty.... I used USB-zip instead of USB-FDD now... a device names USB HD001 was still on the hard disk priority list. So it booted, it found the knoppix file, and then I ran once inside linux and now my mouse is working.! ![]() Thanks for all your help, this will really come in handy next time XP starts actin up. Now... is there anyway to save the changes I'm making anywhere to the USB stick? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,13:56
I'm just wondering why using USB-FDD worked before? o.oTo save your changes, look up the first page on dillo, or look in the wiki, or search for backup/restore. |