external zip drive

Forum: USB booting
Topic: external zip drive
started by: timothy

Posted by timothy on Nov. 02 2004,04:25
My first question is how do I get DSL to recognize an external zip drive I have an iomega 100m LPT1 zip drive
I would like to boot from this drive but first I need to be able to see it.  also is it posible to mount the DSL kernal with 4m ram?  I have a 200m hd 4m ram 16mz cpu laptop rinning win 3.1 I would like to boot dsl on *lol* wishj me luck if nothing else

Posted by clacker on Nov. 02 2004,17:07
timothy, I know that an external ZipDrive can work with DSL, I don't know if it will work at bootup.  When I used it, I ran the command modprobe ppa (which fails if no zip drive is present).  I think you need to modify the linux.cfg file in minirt24.gz and use insmod ppa to load it.  Exactly how though I'm not sure.  When I did it just now in 0.8.3, I did:

Code Sample

sudo su
mkdir /mnt/zip
modprobe ppa
mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip

What I like about your idea, really like, is that the zip drive is 100Megs.  If you partition the drive 50 Megs for DSL, then you have 50 Megs for a swap partition, which is perfect for low memory machines.  So you turn the disadvantage of having no CD and no memory into a positive because you can use the ZipDrive as temporary memory.  The trick is to get it recognized early enough.

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