usb knopp, um i mean dslForum: USB booting Topic: usb knopp, um i mean dsl started by: outanet Posted by outanet on Nov. 24 2004,12:48
just to register myself on here actually, and to let people know what im up to.during my time at uni, i set a final project to set up a wireless network to distribute the wealth of student generated media in my city using reclamed hardware and gnu software. It was a success and eventually with help from a few other people, it won an award. however, as all things popular, businesses got involved (sometimes forcefully ie BT) and i got my fingers burnt. Now, to continue, I have been exploring creating my own bootable iso (or isos) to do the same thing - Stunix, and although this is not a new idea, the more flavours of bootable linux there are, the better. "one more linux user is one less triannual M$ licence in Gates & Balmers pocket" so, i spend most of my time making coasters, but as a dayly os i have used knoppix running from a 2.5" hd in a usb caddy and using a dsl card to boot it. Now I had never realy explored dsl in depth as i needed the development tooling of knoppix, and x never seemed to start properly on my thinkpad600e, and i have the usual sound driver problems, so force of habit ruled. recently however, i have used it more and more, and im suprised to find it wanting for very little. the xsetup fixes my x problems, and i found the fix for the crystal audio drivers on the TP. so for development i use either knoppix or morphix, and for dayly use, ie mail, letter writing, musical wallpaper ( dsl in ram is now king. now that i have joined the forum, i hope to be able to find and use the little tips and tricks you have here. keep up the fantastic work, i hope i can help someone on here in the future. stu Posted by ico2 on Nov. 25 2004,17:13
WOW, sounds like a large project ![]() Posted by outanet on Dec. 03 2004,12:48
frighteningly! but if your gonna climb a learning curve, I would say "make sure the view from the top is worth it!" Posted by green on Dec. 05 2004,05:13
Sorry to hear you have a 600E.....Just kidding, kinda. Mine is kicking my butt on the sound issues. I've tried everything I can find.... Anyway, sounds like you have good thing going. Good luck. |