(doc) step by step of usb bootingForum: USB booting Topic: (doc) step by step of usb booting started by: cpfong Posted by cpfong on Jan. 20 2005,09:28
reference:< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....;t=3790 > Date: 2005/1/20 OS: windows 2000 FreeBSD4.7 Stable Flash Disk: Transcend JetFlash 256M HardWare: DELL Latitude D600 notebook Software: 3 files WinIma70.exe bootusb-0.8.img dsl-0.9.2.iso http://www.winimage.com ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/current/ 1. on FreeBSD4.7 get 3 files: dsl-0.9.2.iso size 51240960 bootusb-0.8.img size 1474560 winima70.exe size 96709 fetch < ftp://ibiblio.org/pub....9.2.iso > fetch < ftp://ibiblio.org/pub....0.8.img > fetch < ftp://ftp.winimage.com/winimage/winima70.exe > 2. convert iso into directory vnconfig -c /dev/vn0c dsl-0.9.2.iso mount -t cd9660 /dev/vn0c /mnt mkdir ~/dsl92 cd ~/dsl92 (cd /mnt; tar cfv - .) | tar xfv - 3. switch to window 2000 system ftp 2 files (bootusb-0.8.img winima70.exe) and one directory (dsl92) from FreeBSD4.7 format flash disk as FAT (not FAT32) install winimage 70 run winimage --> File --> Open --> bootusb-0.8.img --> Disk --> Use removable Disk F: --> Disk --> Write Disk --> yes --> File --> Exit 4. Copy file system into flash disk run window file manager --> goto dsl92 directory , boot , isolinux --> copy all files here to your flash disk / --> go back to dsl92 directory --> copy all directory here to your flash disk / 5. umount your flash disk and reboot using your flash disk now you should be able to boot using flash disk Posted by Paolo on Jan. 20 2005,17:03
Thanks for your help!I finally managed to boot DSL from my Lexar Media to a Shuttle PC (after some days spent in trying with no luck!). Paolo ![]() ![]() Posted by tronik on Jan. 20 2005,17:35
Excellent =)
Posted by SunnyDrake on Jan. 27 2005,02:34
Have USB SanDisk Cruiser-Mini 256Mb stickASUS P4T(i850) + P4 computer Nforce4 Ultra 400 + A2500 Barton guess what? none worked out. OK, nforce seems to can't boot from it(just "insert a system boot disk...etc"), but i850 just hang on after post and no message (before format & and image it's just displayed message "no system" or something like that). Any ideas? I really don't wish to make MenuetOS boot stick ![]() Posted by bruce lee on Jan. 28 2005,06:38
Hi Somebody,I am in "Window Xp" and how can i use this : ********************************************** 2. convert iso into directory vnconfig -c /dev/vn0c dsl-0.9.2.iso mount -t cd9660 /dev/vn0c /mnt mkdir ~/dsl92 cd ~/dsl92 (cd /mnt; tar cfv - .) | tar xfv - ********************************************** Can "UltraIso" do the same ? Thanks !!! Posted by SunnyDrake on Jan. 28 2005,22:52
yes by ultraiso or winrar you can unpack iso image.
Posted by cpfong on Jan. 29 2005,04:00
tar xxxx <--- this is for unix system since you are using xp you can use winimage to mount the iso to a drive (for example z:) then copy all file under z: to your usb pen drive Posted by bruce lee on Jan. 29 2005,05:37
Hi somebody,1/ I formated my USB Key (Lexar 128 Mo) in FAT16 with Hp utility, without copy of files system from Diskett. 2/ I use "WinImage 7.0" to extract "bootusb-0.8.img" to my Usb Key 3/ I use "UltraIso" to decompress "dsl-0.9.2.iso" in a temporary Directory 4/ I copy "\boot\isolinux\boot.msg" from my temporary Directory to my Usb Key overriting this 5/ I copy all the files of my temporary Directory to my Usb Key in the Root 6/ I boot it and it work fine I am happy !!! Enjoy !!! Posted by smatt on Jan. 29 2005,23:00
Your instructions were awesome, I'm posting with DSL running on a sandisk cruzer mini 512MB that I got for $40. It works with linux and windoze, and boots fast with DSL. I'd just like to add to your instructions that you do not NEED to be in FreeBSD for step #2. You can use winimage to open the dsl-0.9.2.iso and drag and drop the files to a temp directory on your windows desktop. This is great! Posted by MasterBaker on Feb. 01 2005,18:08
Daemon Tools will do the trick. < http://www.daemon-tools.cc/ >In fact, as far as i know any software that can mount an image as a drive should be ok. Mount the DSL image, and copy the contents to the USB Drive. Posted by efros on Feb. 02 2005,02:39
Followed your instructions and am now in DSL posting this :-))))) Posted by ali on Feb. 02 2005,21:29
cool i got my 64mb sony mem stick to boot.im using a pocket mem stick reader and Abit nf7-s2g motherboard. thanx efros and everyone else ![]() Posted by ssfc72 on Feb. 18 2005,01:54
Got it! :-)Notebook Computer - HP Pavilion ZE5610CA USB FlashDrive - 128 Meg UniversalSmartDrive Had to go into Notebook BIOS and change Boot order so that USB was before Harddrive. I tried also with a 64 Meg UniversalSmartDrive but have not had any success, so far. Bill Posted by sunburnt on Feb. 19 2005,19:27
Check backup in the menu to see if it`s working, & making thefile "backup.tar.gz" on your USB, when you enter sda1 or drive for your USB. I did as you did to install & it worked great for a week or so, now it wont make the "backup.tar.gz" file any more. Posted by Arif on Feb. 25 2005,08:22
Hie all ! I'm a newb to dsl.I've tryied the steps with my 128mb twinmos pendrive.I did the thing: 1.Formatted my pendrive in FAT and Extracted bootusb-0.8.img with winima70 into it. 2.Extracted dsl-0.9.2.iso with winrar to a directory named dsl-0.9.2 and copied the "\boot\isolinux\boot.msg" to my pendrive overritin. 3.copied all the files in dsl-0.9.2 to pendrive. 4.Enabled usb keyboard and usb boot and selected usb-zip(later, tried usb-hdd) as the first boot option from BIOS setting. what the result is "disk error press any key to restart !!" And What u mean by "usb key" ?? anybody pls help me !! Posted by xadamz23 on Mar. 10 2005,06:38
I am unable to get DSL to boot from my USB key.I have a Sandisk 512MB Micro. My steps: 1. Extracted bootusb-8.0.img to the root of my USB drive 2. Extracted dsl-0.9.3.iso to a temp directory 3. copied the contents of the temp directory to my USB drive What am I doing wrong? Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 11 2005,03:19
Did you use syslinux or a boot utility to make the device bootable?
Posted by Schnoge on Mar. 11 2005,07:24
Hi,i tried cpfong's "step by step" on my "USB Bar 256MB", but I allways have a problem that it's booting till the message "can't find knoppix filesystem" appears. There's a problem when the system searches for the knoppix-file. He can't find the file on the usb bar. Why? But when I'm starting DSL on CD I can access the usb bar within DSL on "/dev/sda". Another strange behavior is, when I'm trying to cfdisk the usb bar, that he gets an error. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help. Schnoge Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 11 2005,17:39
Hmm...Maybe it looks for the knoppix file on /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda Try booting with dsl fromhd=/dev/sda and see if it helps. Posted by xadamz23 on Mar. 11 2005,19:43
Well the first time I tried I did not use syslinux because most of the instructions on this forum dont mention it. Then I found a thread that mentioned using syslinux and I tried it, but that didnt work either. Im supposed to use syslinux after all my files are on the USB key correct? Am I supposed to use a certain switch when I run syslinux? I think I used -s, but im not totally sure. Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 12 2005,05:53
My understanding is:For windows 95/98/ME: syslinux.com -s D: For Windows NT/2000/XP: syslinux.exe -s D: where "D:" is the driver letter for your USB device. Posted by sszilveszter on Mar. 13 2005,21:11
BLABLA: it is ok I did it and able to run from pendrive, but I do not want to switch back to win. so how to do this resize to my sda2 I have a workable grub on my sda1 (thx to < http://btk.mxx.ch/article28.html > ), and I can boot with it from sda2, with kernel blabla initrd blabla, but I want to boot with root (hd0,1) ((sda2)) chainloader +1 Q: Am I able to install syslinux to sda2 from usbboot0.8.img under linux, or do I need to switch back to win? if yes, please give me a step by step howto thx Posted by pbot on Mar. 14 2005,01:18
xadamz23, I just spent a couple days trying to get 2 different 512mb Sandisk Micros to boot. One was newer and that was pretty easy, just use syslinux 2.11 instead of bootimg which is 2.0.6. On the newer Micro, syslinux was hanging and wouldn't get into the boot screen so updating syslinux fixed it. The 2nd Micro was older and much harder. I tried it all, winimage on Win and sfdisk/dsl-install. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get it to boot. Then I ran across this page: < 911cd > By formatting the drive and double checking the sectors, I finally got the BIOS to recognize it as a boot drive. Sometimes it still requires a warm boot to pick it up. But check the sectors, syslinux it, copy over the bootimg files, and the dsl files. I think this is more of an old Sandisk issue than something in bootimg/dsl-install/winimage. Probably not a recommended approach to the problem, but it did fix my problem. |