3 QuestionsForum: USB booting Topic: 3 Questions started by: eedok Posted by eedok on Jan. 25 2005,19:18
Well I've got 3 questions about DSL on my USB stick, so here it goes:1) I'd like to be able to use things like ALSA, and gcc most the time, but whenever I edit syslinux.cfg(even if I don't change anything and just save) it goes undefined keyword in syslinux.cfg when I try to boot off the jumpdrive, and continues to do so until I redo an install to USB Drive from the livecd(which is a pain cause then I gotta restore the data). 2) Is there any way to remaster DSL with the current extensions in use? Do I need to mkmydsl to a CD-RW then boot off the CD-RW then redo an install to USB from the liveCD, or is there an easier way to skip all that and have it on my jumpdrive? 3) Is there any way to install SDL-Dev libs( < http://libsdl.org > ) so I can develop in SDL while I'm on the go? Other than that I don't know what I can say about your distro, it really amazed me. Posted by Caspar_s on Jan. 27 2005,00:22
1) I'd like to be able to use things like ALSA, and gcc most the time, but whenever I edit syslinux.cfgYou're trying to load the gcc.dsl and alsa.dsl through syslinux.cfg? 2) Is there any way to remaster DSL with the current extensions in use? Extensions being the dsl files? (like above) If you're using a pendrive, you just add the ones you want all the time in the "root" (along with the syslinux.cfg file) and any others you want available, but not all the time in a new directory called /optional 3) Is there any way to install SDL-Dev libs( < http://libsdl.org > ) so I can develop in SDL while I'm on the go? No idea on this one - it does have a .deb available though which is a good thing - do a search for deb2dsl. Posted by eedok on Jan. 27 2005,05:23
1) so I don't have to type in dsl alsa everytime I boot2) Is there a method on how to do this? Do I just untar to /cdrom(where the usb drive is mounted), or is there more to it? 3) wow thanks on this one. Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 27 2005,11:01
Try editing your syslinux.cfg file using a linux text editor.Microsoft wordpad and notepad can mangle this file. You should boot from livecd before editing this file (in other words, don't boot with the bootfloppy until after you have edited and saved the file). Posted by eedok on Jan. 27 2005,16:48
I don't have windows.. I was using vi. Editing it from the livecd still screws it up. Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 27 2005,17:28
Try posting your edited config file here in a "Code" block.Maybe someone can figure out what is wrong. Posted by Caspar_s on Jan. 27 2005,22:28
Hmmm, can't you mount the pendrive and edit syslinux.cfg through beaver?2) You don't have to untar - just copy the .dsl or .tar.gz or .uci file onto the pendrive. Posted by eedok on Jan. 28 2005,06:46
Whatever is iin the file doesn't make a difference cause if I go cp syslinux.cfg syslinux.cfg.backup;rm syslinux.cfg;mv syslinux.cfg.backup syslinux.cfg it screws up as well and for #2 I meant is there a way(which would be handy for alsa) where it would just install with no intervention? So I don't have to install from menu? Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 28 2005,06:56
ALSA will install automatically if the alsadebs package is saved to the root directory (/) of the storage device that is used for booting.However, you will still need to specify the dsl alsa boot command, which requires editing the APPEND line directly below the DEFAULT line in your syslinux.cfg file I do not understand why your syslinux.cfg file is corrupted every time that you move or copy the file. This makes no sense to me. Posted by eedok on Jan. 30 2005,01:36
cool I got it all working now(cept haven't done a deb2dsl yet, will do soon though)thanks alot ![]() |