System Hangs when USB plugged in

Forum: USB booting
Topic: System Hangs when USB plugged in
started by: gherikill

Posted by gherikill on Feb. 07 2005,20:27
I am trying to get a USB key to boot on a P4S533 motherboard.  The problem that occurs is that the machine stalls during post when I have my key plugged in.  

I noticed that the P4s533 was a compatible board in the list, so I am starting to think that it may be my Key.

I am using a 256 MB key by a company called Kingstore (Sinosoft)

Anyone have a similar problem?

Posted by tronik on Feb. 08 2005,04:25
Hi. Sounds like bad partitioning scheme.
ITs also possible the key will only boot if it has ONE partition. one of my USB keys is like that, it wont boot if it is seen as more than one partition.

Posted by gherikill on Feb. 08 2005,16:00

Does anyone know the sfdisk command options for partitoning a 256 MB flash as one partition?

Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 09 2005,06:38
I don't know, but you may be able to use the Dell bootable USB key utility program to reformat your device from Windows:

< >

Then boot into DSL and run the USB install script.

Posted by gherikill on Feb. 09 2005,14:15
The DEll tool gives me an error "Unable to read geometry".

The HP tool works, and the key works fine for transferring files.  It is just booting that is giving me problems.

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