non-frugal install to USB driveForum: USB booting Topic: non-frugal install to USB drive started by: Prosthetic Head Posted by Prosthetic Head on Mar. 24 2005,12:51
Hi, i am fairly new to DSL and thus far have only run it from CDand thought it would be cool for it to remember my settings such as themes and installed MyDSL extensions between boots. So i used the UDB install script, but it still dosn't remember my settings between boots when running from USB, is this because it is in 'frugal' mode? and how do i install it in 'non-frugal' so that it will automaticaly have myDSL extensions loaded and my settings for video and firefox etc rememberd?Thanks Posted by sbrown on Mar. 25 2005,21:18
The kind of install you want is called a Poorman's. All you need to do is format the drive as FAT, and copy over the /knoppix directory from a CD. To remember your settings, add the files you want backed up into /home/dsl/filetool.lst and go to System>Bacup/Restore, and enter your device to back up to, probably sda1. You can copy any myDSL files you need to the root of the pendrive and they'll be loaded at boot.Lastly, unless your BIOS supports booting from USB, you'll need a boot floppy...get the usb boot floppy image from a mirror. Posted by Prosthetic Head on Mar. 25 2005,21:38
Thanks, thats what i was after, i'll give it a try and see how it goes ![]() |