Writting files to USB driveForum: USB booting Topic: Writting files to USB drive started by: SuperLou Posted by SuperLou on April 17 2005,02:54
Hi, I'm really new to Linux and DSL. I've been able to boot into DSL on a 256Mb thumb drive with FAT. I followed the directions at < http://www.everything2.org/?node_id=1712243. > However, I have been unable to write anything to the thumbdrive as far as I understand within DSL. When i create a file it is shows up until I reboot. Also, the filetool.lst does not save changes or preferences I set. If you have any ideas what is wrong I would greatly appreciate it.Thanks, Louis Posted by cbagger01 on April 17 2005,04:45
1. Boot with the:dsl frugal boot command and you can write to your thumbdrive. 2. Read the documentation on how the Backup / Restore function works. Hint: Your usb drive name is most likely "sda1". Posted by EoE on May 05 2005,05:45
Links would be awesome. I've just spent the better part of an hour looking for this mythical documentation, to no avail. Unfortunately, the site navigation here is very poor ![]() Posted by Caspar_s on May 06 2005,22:23
![]() This is one of the most common questions on this forum - I don't know, maybe it should be another separate page on boot up with big, red, blinking text or something. ![]() Oh, and this is the forum - from the DSL page, under Documentation, you get < http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/talk/node/51 > which has the beginnings of the documentation... as fast as the unpaid volunteers are putting them up. (Thanks J.P.) Posted by SuperLou on May 14 2005,16:35
Thanks, I got backup/restore working. Is there a way I can write information to the root directory of the USB stick so I don't have to go into windows to drop myDSL packages into the E:\ (usb stick) or E:\optional\ ?