USB install from menu in dsk without net accessForum: USB booting Topic: USB install from menu in dsk without net access started by: ShaneRay Posted by ShaneRay on June 30 2005,00:16
Alright...I've read through the forum etc ALOT. But, I can find this. Think I've been readin too much linux material the last couple of days... I want to install DSL to a 256MB cruizer mini. Is there a way to use the "to pendrive" script in DSL without internet? I have an external serial modem on the way in about a week for linux use but would like to get it on the USB drive now if possible. (not interested in embedded). Thanks guys ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on June 30 2005,02:15
You need to get the usb pendrive script into your DSL session.If you can download it from the DSL download site somewhere else and then copy it over to your DSL computer via floppy disk, or USB disk or even hard drive (From Windows -> DSL) Then you can untar it manually and run it from the command line. It is a little bit advanced for the newbie, but it is possible. Or you can wait until your serial modem arrives. Posted by paullynch on June 30 2005,07:50
If you are using DSL 1.2.1, I found that the script is created in /opt when you use the desktop menu to run it. What I needed was a local copy of the iso, and wasn't accepting my requests - so I downloaded from a mirror to another machine on my local network, and used ftp to retrieve that. Grabbing the iso from a Windows partition on the same machine should work, I think.
Posted by ShaneRay on June 30 2005,11:59
Thanks guys...That's all I needed ![]() I am a newbie...but have been fooling with linux off and on since last fall, think I can do it. Working from the command line is half the fun ;) Thanks! Posted by ShaneRay on July 01 2005,00:13
Well, that turned out be rather simple after all was said and done.Turns out that all I had to was download the install scripts and put them in either /home or /opt and all went great. Did the HDD first--that didn't boot correctly. Did the ZIP next, and bingo, DSL was up. Frickin cool ![]() I also have Suse 9.2 on my system and their Grub menu has an option to boot from floppy. So, I can just leave the bootfloppy in the drive and either boot to XP, Suse, or DSL. Good Stuff ![]() Thanks guys. |