Floppy boot and USB runForum: USB booting Topic: Floppy boot and USB run started by: snigma Posted by snigma on July 05 2005,01:03
I hope this is in the right place.I havent found any information here on how to boot from a floppy that would provide USB support (as my laptop doesnt have any kind of USB-booting support--I don't think it even turns it on until it gets to windows) and then you can just run DSL from the USB key? Posted by cbagger01 on July 05 2005,02:53
1) Download the boot usb floppy image file from the dsl download site:< http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub....usb.img > 2) To make a boot floppy from MSWindows, download the rawrite32 program: < http://www.duskware.com/download/rawrite.exe > Then use rawrite32 to create a boot floppy disk. Then use it to boot your DSL USB key. Posted by snigma on July 05 2005,15:47
yay--it works on my desktop.Although, when I put it on the laptop, it gets to the CPU detection where it figures out my CPU and then stops after that...and I left it there for a while, and its just stuck there ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on July 05 2005,16:09
Try booting with:failsafe on the command line, NOT dsl failsafe but just failsafe Posted by snigma on July 06 2005,18:08
Yup, tried that and it works. Only thing is, it skips PCMCIA detection (which is where my LAN card is) and my soundcard detection. I'll look into this deeper on getting my LAN card to work (as i've gotten both sound and LAN workingin Mandrake 10 before by simplying typing some commands). I'm a n00b to this linux stuff, so its gonna take me a little while ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on July 07 2005,05:51
You can selectively add or remove portions of the "failsafe" boot command until you find the one that helps your bootup.See this post for details: < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....=noapic > |