Installing DSL onto USB drive using windows?!Forum: USB booting Topic: Installing DSL onto USB drive using windows?! started by: razta Posted by razta on July 21 2005,23:19
Alright everyone,Im new to linux so please dont laugh. I want to boot linux from a USB memory stick or pen drive or what ever you want to call it. I know you need a USB-HDD or USBFLASH bootable memory stick. You can buy the USBFLASH memory stick with DSL allready installed from this website but I need a USB-HDD memory stick that can boot DSL. The only thing is because Ive hardly ever used linux I dont really know how to use it that well. I was just wondering if any one knows how or where I could learn how to make a bootable USB memory stick with DSL using a windows OS?! Any suggestions or hints will be greatly appreatiated. Thank you for putting up with my lame questions. Razta Posted by razta on July 21 2005,23:22
Ive made a Live linux CD before by burning the ISO image to a blank CD using NERO burning rom.Would I just have to burn the ISO image to the memory stick and make it bootable?! Thanks again Posted by razta on July 21 2005,23:36
Just to say I found some usefull info...Cant try them untill Ive actually bought my memory stick! >:-( Will try these out when Ive bought my stick and keep you all posted on my progress. Heres the websites: <] > and < > Hope this helps some one. Posted by cbagger01 on July 22 2005,03:22
The easy fast way to do it is:Download the dsl ISO file Burn it as an IMAGE from Nero For Nero 5.x choose "File -> Burn Image" For Nero 6.x exit the Nero Express Wizard and then choose "Recorder -> Burn Image" from the menu. Set your BIOS to allow for booting from CDROM. Boot the new livecd disk. Insert your pendrive into the USB port. Right Click on the desktop to bring up the "Start"like main menu and choose "Install to USB pen drive" and choose USBHDD and follow the prompts. Posted by razta on July 22 2005,14:10
ing magic mate! Will give it a go when I get my memory stick on friday! Cant wait!!!!!! Thanks for putting up with me. razta Posted by lordnazgul on July 27 2005,19:52
If only i knew it was that simple when i started. ;)
Posted by rebelstar on Aug. 17 2005,16:49
Did cbagger01 description work?Thinking of getting a sony microvault USB Drive and putting DSL Linux on it. Also once DSL is on the Pendrive how do you start from inside windows while windows is running? Thanks Posted by mstrhelix on Aug. 17 2005,17:34
you can run embedded DSL inside windows without a USB key...All you gotta do is download and unzip it. Then just double click the dsl-windows.bat file and boom it will boot into DSL within windows. Thats the way I do it... ![]() Posted by rebelstar on Aug. 17 2005,18:14
Thanks for the reply, run out and got a USB Drive, burnt to USB as the instructions said with the cd and am left with the following folders on the Drive, how can I get this to start in windows?See link below for picture of folder contents - < Folder Contents > Posted by Gwildor on Aug. 19 2005,20:44
the way you installed to the usb drive is for BOOTING the computer, if you want to run from INSIDE windows, you need to get the embeded package, unzip it, then throw that on your pendrive to take with you........just google for "run DSL from inside windows", and follow the instructions
Posted by rebelstar on Aug. 20 2005,00:24
thank you I finally understand :-)
Posted by chatterbug89 on Aug. 30 2005,18:39
That's what I do too...but...I notice everyone saying to install from the DSL distro onto the pen drive...but...realy you don't have to do a thing to your pen drive but copy the files onto it and use the floppy to boot. There is barely any point in having it being bootable when 3/4 of the computers you run into can't do it, or arn't configured in the BIOS to boot from USB anyways. Though...running DSL on windows worries me about the lifespan of my drive...the information on DSL seems to be very spread out....the wiki and the documentation pages seems to leave variouse thigns out too. Like, what is frugal? Sorry for reving a sort of dead thread ;-) |