how to get itForum: USB booting Topic: how to get it started by: Linoob Posted by Linoob on Aug. 09 2005,10:47
I dont know what to download in order to actually get DSL, or any other Linux distribution for that matter. DSL is the first Linux I have tried to get so any detailed help would be MUCH appreciated ![]() Posted by adssse on Aug. 09 2005,13:36
The first thing you should do is download the .iso file. In this case the most recent is dsl-1.4.isoThis can be found here: < > Once you have that downloaded open your cd burning program and burn it to a cd using the option such as "record cd from image" or "burn image". That will give you the live cd which you can boot from (providing your computer is set to boot from cd before hd). From there you can install or just use the live cd to check it out. EDIT: Sorry, I forgot I was in the USB section of the forum ![]() Since you said you are new to linux I am assuming you still have windows. Here is a link that explains how to imprint it on your usb drive. < > Posted by Linoob on Aug. 10 2005,10:17
thanks! appreciate it a lot ![]() Posted by James on Aug. 22 2005,20:08
Hey. Sorry if I result to end up as a 'forum leecher' or however you guys want to call someone like me ![]() Anyway, direct to my point: I have absolutely no idea of how to make my pc boot from CD! I have burned about 8 discs already (hah, I didn't find a RW!), trying to do boot stuff with nero to boot from dsl 1.4.iso. Any help, on how to boot from CD will be INMENSELY & GREATLY appretiated! I've been working 2 days straight to get this working, and google results aren't very accurate (even searching by keywords). Thank you all. Regards, James. Posted by mstrhelix on Aug. 22 2005,20:32
After you burn it open it up in windows... if it is burned as dsl.iso you have done it incorrectly. If you have done it correctly it will have 2 foldersKNOPPIX lost+found index.html <-- file only make sure that you make the cd bootable b4 you burn it and burn it as an ISO image... otherwise you are just constantly burning it as one file dsl.iso. Posted by James on Aug. 22 2005,23:02
Thanks for the reply.But, actually... I have: Knoopix, boot, lost+found and, index.html. How do I make a CD bootable? CD-Rom (Boot) as in Nero options? I am using Nero BR Enterprise 6. Can I just press the Fx key at startup and start from CD or that's what I've been told. Regards, James. Posted by Mario on Aug. 23 2005,21:17
actually i am stucked tooi got those , lost+fouund , knoopix and index file its now in a folder how do i make it work Posted by James on Aug. 25 2005,20:12
Sorry for so much trouble, all I needed was start the pc off the CD.Press DEL a few times at startup to open BIOS config, and select 1st boot: CD, 2nd: HardD. -James ![]() |