How to Install DSL

Forum: USB booting
Topic: How to Install DSL
started by: Mario

Posted by Mario on Aug. 23 2005,19:25
i am new
how do i install DSL?
I have to use it throw windows
or its separate as at starting win Xp starst....

Posted by Mario on Aug. 23 2005,20:34
and i Downloaded it on Windows XP
and i cant open it
its with no extension.....

Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Aug. 23 2005,20:47
What you downloaded was an ISO file (a CD image).  Use your favorite CD burning software to open and burn the file.  If you don't have any software that will open an ISO then download Deep Burner from

Once you have successfully burned the image, restart the computer using the CD as the first boot drive.

Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 23 2005,22:00
For example, in Nero CD burning program, do this.

First, cancel out of any "wizards" or nero express.

For Nero 5.x, Go to the top menu and choose File -> burn image


for Nero 6.x, go to the top menu and choose Recorder -> burn image

and select the dsl.iso file

Some computers do not boot with CD-RW disks, so you should try a CD-R disk first.

Posted by Mario on Aug. 24 2005,09:50
after i burn it , i need a cd to put the files in it ?
or just burn it and restart using CD as first boot drive?

Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 24 2005,16:29
"burning" requires a blank CD disk.

After burning is complete, restart using the CDROM drive as your first boot device.

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