Booting with QEMU on an installed USB

Forum: DSL Embedded
Topic: Booting with QEMU on an installed USB
started by: wholloway

Posted by wholloway on Feb. 06 2006,16:56
I have searched around but not found anything on this topic.

My idea is to install DSL into my USB drive with a third FAT partition. Then install the QEMU on to the FAT. Then create a script that will boot the installed DSL. I would like to create a dual boot system for PC's that can't boot off of USB.
Has anyone done this before? If so please tell. Also post the script for boot up. At the moment I am running DSL embedded.


Posted by desnotes on Feb. 08 2006,22:40
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to accomplish. You have DSL embedded but you want to add another copy of DSL on your USB drive and then boot from it like a CDROM?

Is that what you are asking?


Posted by wholloway on Feb. 09 2006,19:13
I don't wan't the embedded copy on my usb stick. I want a full install because it will give me access to the OS. I would still like to run this system with QEMU because I don't carry a boot disk in my pocket. My other option is to create an embedded system of my own with larger virtual drives. Can anyone instruct me on how to at least increase the size of my virtual drive?
Posted by desnotes on Feb. 09 2006,19:32
I understand better now...thanks.

First, let me mention a couple of things about embedded. If you download LinNeighborhood (Samba in MyDSL), you can set that up to share directories with the host computer, provided you have authorized access to it.

Also, here is the < link > to the section regarding Qemu on building your own virtual disk drives.

I haven't tried to combine the embedded with the booting distro but you might try to download both and see if you can do it.

Hope this helps,


Posted by roberts on Feb. 09 2006,22:41
-- moved to enmbedded section --

If you boot natively and wish to also access the Qemu virtual hard drive then booting with qemu option will provide a mountable harddisk to share between Qemu and native DSL for both backup/restore and extensions. In Qemu we call it hdb in native booted DSL it is called harddisk
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