Embedded Remaster?

Forum: DSL Embedded
Topic: Embedded Remaster?
started by: Toxyn

Posted by Toxyn on Mar. 03 2006,23:34
Suppose i boot DSL from a live cd and do a myDSL cd remaster, could i swap some of the files from DSL embedded for the ones on the remastered cd to make a remaster of embedded?


Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 04 2006,00:05
A myDSL cd remaster merely adds files to the ISO.  It doesn't make any changes to the filesystem.
I don't know how embedded works with auto-loaded files, but my guess is that you could make changes to the embedded system without the added remaster step.  Since it's probably running inside Windows, though, there may be issues with file permission/ownership.  You could probably boot the liveCD and make changes directly to your embedded system without having these issues.

This brings me to my own question....
Is the embedded DSL a compressed filesystem like frugal, or is it a typical linux filesystem?

Posted by roberts on Mar. 04 2006,01:50
embedded is a frugal install. This allows for both native booting as well as Qemu booting from the same pendrive.

The mkmydsl simple iso creation tool is to allow writing mydsl extensions in an autoboot manner on the cdrom image but not inside the compressed KNOPPIX image. To do that would require a full remastering.

With Qemu, one has a writeable area for extensions or can easily make one. Use the virtual hdb drive, or better yet make a larger hdc drive and then copy extensions to hdc virtual drive and add the mydsl=hdc to the append section of the startup .bat file..
Doing this results in a seemless autobooting custom system very similiar to a mydsl.iso created version.

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