Updating DSL Embedded

Forum: DSL Embedded
Topic: Updating DSL Embedded
started by: desnotes

Posted by desnotes on Mar. 23 2006,18:37
This is more of a theoretical question regarding DSL embedded than an actual request or anything. For discussion purposes, let's say I have DSL 2.2 embedded installed on my pendrive and I have one DSL app & one .UCI app installed on my virtual hdb drive. My command line for starting qemu includes:

mydsl=hdb modules=hdb

Also, let's also say that I had already upgraded to QEMU 0.8.0 so that is already current.

My question is, would it be possible to upgrade to DSL 2.3rc2 by replacing any or all of the files below:

Any others?



Posted by roberts on Mar. 23 2006,18:52
Yes, this is possible.

1. Always the KNOPPIX/knoppix this is the core of DSL

2. minirt24.gz and linux24 only when there is a change regarding kernel and modules, i.e., moving to a different kernel
- or -
if instructed by the announcement post that a change was made to minirt24.gz which usually affects initial boot options. For example, the new waitusb, or the adjustment to usb2, or the toram/swap hack and follow-up.

3. The backup.tar.gz has the same issues as other frugal installs.
That is it could overwrite new updated system files. Again, I usually always try to specify those files that need to be updated in the announcemet posts, e.g., .xinitrc, .fluxbox/menu etc. A manual copy from /etc/skel will supply the newly updated files.

Posted by cmanb on Mar. 31 2006,20:11
Quote (desnotes @ Mar. 23 2006,10:37)
This is more of a theoretical question regarding DSL embedded than an actual request or anything. For discussion purposes, let's say I have DSL 2.2 embedded installed on my pendrive and I have one DSL app & one .UCI app installed on my virtual hdb drive. My command line for starting qemu includes:

mydsl=hdb modules=hdb

Also, let's also say that I had already upgraded to QEMU 0.8.0 so that is already current.

My question is, would it be possible to upgrade to DSL 2.3rc2 by replacing any or all of the files below:

Any others?



That's pretty much what I did.  I call it "Drag and Drop Upgrade" and it's one of the reasons I love this "Not Your Father's" distro.

I downloaded the 2.3 ISO file (thanks, bittorrent!) and burned it to a CD.  Then simply copied the v2.3 KNOPPIX file to the KNOPPIX folder on my flash drive.  It booted up just fine.

If I had bothered to spend the time looking for a file that will view ISO files in Windows XP, then the process could have been even simpler, I imagine, with no need to burn a cd.

Posted by pr0f3550r on April 01 2006,12:26
I'd also do a 'diff -r' between the old and the new harddisk.
Small difference (modules/cloop.o), but enough to confuse who has not got the time to read all forum posts.

I suggest that every new release be accompanied by not only a detailed changelog but also a binary 'diff -r'.

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