mount a pendrive

Forum: DSL Embedded
Topic: mount a pendrive
started by: whalem

Posted by whalem on April 27 2006,08:36
i'm using dsl on windows. how to mount a pendrive in dsl. i 've a kernel in pendrive with which I want to be acquianted. i thought about mkfs but it doesn't do vfat. there aren't mkdosfs or mkfs.vfat programs.
so how to do it
thanx for any hints

Posted by cbagger01 on April 27 2006,16:55
Typical way is to plug the drive into a USB port and wait 10-20 seconds.

Open the emelfm file manager and navigate to the /mnt directory.

Then right-click on the "sda1" and choose "Mount" from the menu.

Posted by pr0f3550r on April 27 2006,17:13
I presume whalem is talking about using Qemu. Plugging the usb drive in windows does not mount the device in qemu.

You need a binary of Qemu with usb patch compiled, available here:
< >
Then you can add usb device pressing CTRL+ALT+2 (not F2) and type "usb_add 'device'.

I think the best is asking details on the qemu forum:
< >

Posted by cbagger01 on April 27 2006,17:17
Oops, my bad.  Didn't catch the "DSL on windows" part.

One way to do it is to plug in your USB drive and then use Windows Explorer to set up a "Network Share" for your thumbdrive letter.

Then boot DSL and use the samba.dsl mydsl extension to connect to your share and move files back and forth.

Or you can use the built-in FTP-like "smbclient" program in DSL, but you will need to know your windows PC internet address.  Open a MSwindows command prompt and type


to find out your internet address and type these numbers into the Computer Name field for the smbclient program.

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