where does dsl embedde save configuration

Forum: DSL Embedded
Topic: where does dsl embedde save configuration
started by: Bilal

Posted by Bilal on May 25 2006,21:07

i changed the style of my desktop and saved configuration. when i rebooted dsl embedd it new the new configuration. now where is that saved ? on my hard drive or just on the folder containing dsl embedd , also what file.

another question, i know how to resize the ram, but how do i resise the home partition.

does the ram depend on my actual ram or it is set by the virtual machine ram.


Posted by roberts on May 26 2006,03:24
The backup defaults to harddisk, a 60MB virtual drive, mounted as hdb
Posted by Bilal on May 26 2006,18:27
how do i resise the harddisk "hdb" to be more than 60 mb


Posted by roberts on May 26 2006,18:59
It's in the DSL Wiki. Type qemu harddisk in the search box.
Posted by pr0f3550r on May 27 2006,12:15
You can do it two way:

1) from within linux with dd (man dd). You have to unmount the drive first.

2) from within the host with qemu-img, pretty cool. It doesn't come with dsl embedded you'll have to download it from:
< http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~qemu-win >

Posted by robertobech on May 27 2006,17:27
My problem is different. I'm running dsl-embedded on a Windows machine. How can I tell DSL to backup files at, say, f:/dsl/ ?

And running it under Ubuntu, how can I make it backup at /home/my_ubuntu_user/dsl_backups?

Seems like DSL saves to hdb, that is a virtual device, right?

Another one: I heard that, to restore your configs, you should type restore-something when booting... however, running dsl-embedded, I type dsl-linux.sh and then I don't really have any chance to type anything, it goes straight to fluxbox...

Thanks in advance...

Posted by robertobech on May 27 2006,20:09
To make things clear: if I install abiword, using dsl-embedded, is there a way to see it onstalled again when I reboot? Because if I install it and then choose to shutdown, pops-up a message telling me that there is unsaved data.
Posted by robertobech on May 27 2006,21:20
Hmmm, now I've got it: by default, files are saved on qemu/harddisk, right? How can I acces the files from hardisk individually? For example, from Ubuntu command line I would like to open a text file saved on qemu/hardddisk.

And still, I lose all programs I install through myDSL when I reboot. Is there a way around it?

Posted by roberts on May 27 2006,22:02
Saving mydsl extensions is basically the same procedure whether it is embedded or not. Copy to a persistent storage.

Now in Qemu/DSL embedded the persistent strorage available is qemu/harddisk which is mounted as hdb. Copy abiword.dsl is /mnt/hdb and then edit the boot up file dsl-windows.bat or the .sh file and add mydsl=hdb.

Another option is to make a directory called mydsl on /mnt/hdb and then copy the extensions to /mnt/hdb/mydsl and they will auto load without the need for the mydsl=hdb option.

If the default virtual harddrive, 60MB, is too small, then make it bigger. That's described in the Wiki.

Or make a second one just to store mydsl extensions.

It is really your choice.

Posted by desnotes on May 27 2006,22:02
To make so you can save your d/l dsl modules, bring up Backup/Restore and type in 'hdb' (without the quotes).

In your dsl-linux.sh/dsl-windows.bat files add the followng:

mydsl=hdb modules=hdb

after "qemu frugal quiet"

As for accessing your virtual drive when running Unbuntu, I'm not sure that is possible outside of Qemu.

I have tried using the command '-hdc fat:/public' (where public is a direcotry on my USB drive) but when I write to the directory from DSL it does not display when I use Windows to access.

Hope this helps,


Posted by pr0f3550r on May 28 2006,10:33

if you want to backup to some specific folder, it has to be visible and mounted by qemu.

In Linux, this is piece of cake, you just mount that directory as virtual fat:

Code Sample
-hdc vfat:rw /home/my_ubuntu_user/dsl_backups

then append this parameter:
Code Sample
dsl restore=hdc

In windows, it is more complicated as the vfat directory can only be mounted as read only.

If you want to transfer your backups to a windows folder you must use either samba or ftp.

Some references:
< http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~qemu-win/HowToFloppyCdrom-en.html >

< http://qemu.dad-answers.com/viewtopic.php?t=990 >

Posted by robertobech on May 28 2006,15:54
Thanks A LOT for all your answers. Now I'm starting to understand how DSL and QEMU really works. Sorry if I posted too many questions on such a short span of time, but I'm really excited about DSL.

I'll check the links right now, pr0f3550r, thank you.

Posted by cbagger01 on May 30 2006,00:18

you can "mount" your virtual hard drive using most other Linux distributions.

You would mount it like DSL does, as a loop image file.  Something like this:

mkdir /mnt/loopdrive
mount -o loop -t ext2 harddisk /mnt/loopdrive

Then you go to /mnt/loopdrive and your files should be there.

You will most likely need to be the "root" user account in order to do this.

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