Booted from USB but can't see laptop HDDForum: DSL Embedded Topic: Booted from USB but can't see laptop HDD started by: daveb Posted by daveb on June 21 2006,04:59
I've got embedded DSL running ok from USB within Win XP on my Thinkpad laptop. But I need to mount the laptop harddisk to view all the data. I've never used the mount command on a laptop so wondering what dev name this would usually be?DaveB Posted by Zucca on June 21 2006,08:32
Posted by pr0f3550r on June 21 2006,16:40
Before replying make sure you understand the question. No, he can't mount he hd as he is on embedded not on native install.If you want to see XP hd you need Samba. The qemu forum: < > Posted by daveb on June 22 2006,02:22
Ahh ok I get it. When you run embedded you can only see the ramdisk, not the physical disk. So the only way to view the physical disk is to share it in Win Xp and use Samba to access it from DSL. Posted by pr0f3550r on June 22 2006,09:51
According to the qemu documentation you could mount the entire harddrive as read-only, but I have never been successful at it (maybe because I have no admin rights on the windows box!), but it should work fine if the host is Linux.