Which embedded version to use for an old laptop?

Forum: DSL Embedded
Topic: Which embedded version to use for an old laptop?
started by: Lucien

Posted by Lucien on June 25 2006,02:08
I Have an old HP laptop (Omnibook 800CT) running Win95, 133MHz, 32MB RAM and 4GB HDD and would like to run Linux on it but cannot boot from CD, from pcmcia, from floppy. So I tried to download several "embedded" versions but all of them gave me the following error when I launched the dsl-windows.bat: The QEMU.exe file linked to missing export KERNEL32.DLL.
The tripleboot.zip download is not giving me this error but does nothing...
Is there an embedded version I can run from W95?
Is there another way to boot from a pcmcia?


Posted by roberts on June 25 2006,07:11
With only 32MB memory, I don't think you can run windows and DSL from within windows. But you might have a shot with a loadlin type setup. Search the forums for the keyword loadlin
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