Passing info to QEMU boot

Forum: DSL Embedded
Topic: Passing info to QEMU boot
started by: dbickin

Posted by dbickin on July 31 2006,18:15
I am booting DSL using QEMU from Windows XP. The way Windows is set up, DSL can not see the internet. By reading the forumns, etc, I can mount the a Window partition using Samba. But I need to pass it the IP address of the host machine, which is dynamic so it changes each time I boot up.

What I want to do is pass the IP address to DSL so I can have a script read that value and change the IP address for the Samba script so I can automate connecting to the Windows drive.

So is there a way for me to pass this info?

I did try setting up a drive using the fat option on the qemu command line, but I can't get that to work.  Using Samba is the only thing I have been able to get to work, but I have to manually plug in the IP each and every time.

And help is appreciated

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