embedded forumForum: DSL Embedded Topic: embedded forum started by: John Posted by John on Nov. 10 2004,14:22
AwPuch and others have asked for a place specifically dedicated to discussing Embedded, sohere you all go ;). Posted by ico2 on Nov. 10 2004,14:23
![]() Posted by AwPhuch on Nov. 10 2004,14:58
Kewl...bring on da questions I am ready!!!!Brian AwPhuch Posted by ico2 on Nov. 10 2004,16:50
me too
Posted by green on Nov. 11 2004,21:58
Okay, here's a question:One of you guru dudes give me a breakdown on what this "embedded" thing is. That should give you a starting point for your new forum. If you make it sound exciting enuf, I might even dive into it. Convince me. Posted by Dafydd Cealleigh on Nov. 12 2004,02:32
I guess the first thing I need to know is there software to burn a chip for my robot I'm makeing. And what burners work with linux?
Posted by ico2 on Nov. 12 2004,13:53
dunno exactly what you are getting at there. what hardware are you using. i expect it is possible.
Posted by clacker on Nov. 12 2004,14:14
Dafydd Cealleigh, this isn't the same use of the word embedded that you're used to. They are talking about dsl embedded into windows: you can run dsl under qemu as a program on your windows machine while windows is running. You are thinking embedded like the programming that goes into chips that run TVs, cars, toasters, and even the occasional hobby robot.
Posted by ico2 on Nov. 12 2004,14:17
i am not sure, it seems like this is not a question of running dsl on this chip, simply manufacturing it.
Posted by Dafydd Cealleigh on Nov. 14 2004,07:48
Yes you are correct. I had misunderstood the use of the word 'embedded'. So to my question, "Never mind." Posted by half job jon on Nov. 25 2004,02:14
I still dont get it, so do you mean i can put dsl on my 64 meg compact flash with myDSL apps , then run over to my friends win2k machine and run mplayer without rebooting his machine or installing anything?can someone breakdown a howto? sounds ground breaking, or have i got it all wrong? Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 25 2004,02:54
Yes, in theory you should be able to do this, assuming that your friend has a fairly recent computer, say a 1.7GHz or faster CPU for example.See this thread for a more detailed explanation: < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....freedos > Posted by ico2 on Nov. 25 2004,17:17
or just get your friend to dunp his 2k instal for dsl LOL