saving configForum: DSL Embedded Topic: saving config started by: chris75 Posted by chris75 on April 14 2005,06:02
Hello there,just a question about DSL. I am new in the world of LINUX, so maybe you can easily answer me and after making some own experiences I will laugh about my own question. Nevertheless, I need now a suitable solution. I put DSL embedded on my USB stick and its quite cool. Thanks to the programming team. Its very impressive. But if I make some changes and wanna keep them, they won't appear after rebooting. What shall I do? Thank you for your answer! ps.: I have a WINXP machine (Shuttle Barebone; Intel 3,6; 2GB RAM; 500 GB Raid 0, X800 Radeon) under the stick with a NTFS-FileSystem Posted by mikshaw on April 14 2005,06:06
I'd say search these forums and find that every 34th thread answers this question. Search for *filetool.lst and you'll find your answers even more quickly.
Posted by chris75 on April 14 2005,06:24
ty-i will try that!
Posted by chris75 on April 14 2005,08:02
hm, ok it works. ty again for fast doing this another question came up. how can i mount the stick itself, for instance to create a swap file onto it? if i look in fstab, i have just found hda (seems to be the ramdisk) and hdb (seems to be knoppix itself). ty for your answer! Posted by mikshaw on April 14 2005,14:46
hda and hdb are always physical drives. Ramdisk is RAM only.Your stick is probably mounted at /cdrom, though i couldn't say what the device name is. As far as i know, it's mounted read-only...i'm not sure, but you may need to use a different system to modify it, such as the DSL liveCD. It's probably a better idea to put swap on a harddrive rather than removeable's faster and more reliable. Posted by cbagger01 on April 14 2005,16:41
If you are running DSL embedded, then one of the drives is your fake DSL livecd (KNOPPIX file) and the other one is your fake hard drive.I don't remember if hda is the CDROM or hda is the hard drive. You can find out my opening a terminal and type mount on a blank line and it should tell you which one is mounted against the /cdrom mountpoint. The other one is your virtual hard drive. You can mount it by doing this: Open up the emelfm file manager and go to the /mnt directory. Right click on the mountpoint (hda) and choose "Mount" from the context menu. If you chose the correct drive you should see the files that are currently stored there like "lost+found\" and "backup.tar.gz". You can add more files there if you want. Posted by Caspar_s on April 14 2005,20:50
Not to mention a swap will eat your flash stick... Sandisk Ultra 2 has 300 000 write cycle endurance... fine for installing, upgrading etc, but not good for constantly writing like swap would. Sandisk Extreme has 1 million. I guess if it didn't cost you too much and you don't mind replacing it, go for it, but ram would be a better investment... Haha, just looked at your system specs... I don't think you NEED swap! 2gb ram could run the full knoppix in ram. Posted by DeeJay on April 15 2005,07:28
I am open to correction, being a newcomer here, but I think that statement is wrong, and may be the reason that questions about persistent storage for DSL-Embedded are so annoyingly common. This thread is about DSL-Embedded, ie running DSL within a Qemu virtual machine. In that scenario hda and hdb are NOT 'always physical drives' - as Cbagger has pointed out, they are virtual filestore. I haven't found a way of MOUNTing real physical filestore from DSL-Embedded - if it is possible could someone document the 'recipe', please? Posted by roberts on April 15 2005,15:36
If you are running dsl-embedded then it is probably most desireable to share a common persistent store between the virtual environment of Qemu and a reglar boot via BIOS. That would imply for both booting methods to use the virtual harddisk. This has been discussed before: See this < thread >This should be in the documentation. Posted by tronik on April 15 2005,17:20
Added to documentation.
Posted by mikshaw on April 15 2005,23:29
Thank you for correcting me....sometimes i presume to know more than i do ![]() Posted by roberts on April 18 2005,23:29
After reviewing this thread, I will change the virtual harddisk to have write premission for user dsl. This will then be consistent with the permissions on the pen drives. Currently, the perms are consistent with that of the typical hard drives, i.e., root only. This should lessen the confusion and make for a smoother user experience. This will only affect the qemu virtual harddisk known as hdb which was setup for a shared persistent store between Qemu and native BIOS booting.
Posted by chris75 on April 20 2005,07:26
Thank you all for the replies regarding to my questions. Thats a reason for me to stay here and to use DSL further and to promote this to my colleagues. (
Posted by Alan Cohen on April 27 2005,17:34
Hi,I'm a noob trying to learn DSL embedded on a FAT32 formatted USB 30 meg drive attached to a WIN2k laptop (company-issued, unmodifyable). I've been reviewing the forums and have picked up on filetool.lst. for now, I'm trying to figure out what filename to add to the filetool.lst to save the desktop configuration. For example, If I switch to Desktop - Style - Tree_and_Moon, I want to save this when restarting. I've investigated Fluxbox documentation via Google and have not been able to find the file mentioned (~Fluxbox\startup) in DSL. I'm sure there are other questions I'll be asking later Alan "First, find yourself a teacher." Posted by Caspar_s on April 27 2005,18:10
How are you looking?If you're in emelfm, you need to click the H near the top to see the hidden files (ones starting with a . ie .fluxbox\init not ~Fluxbox\startup) The style entry is right at the bottom. I don't know about the command line though (that's why they have emelfm) I guess you could just change directory to .fluxbox then do a ls -l Of course, you could also make your own style - copy one of the /usr/share/fluxbox/styles entries to .fluxbox/styles and edit it to how you like it, and then change the init - that is one of the first things I did, to get my normal windows background. Posted by cbagger01 on April 27 2005,22:01
Any new custom styles that were not included in the original livecd are stored in/home/dsl/.fluxbox/styles or /usr/share/fluxbox/styles But the file that keeps track of your in-use desktop is: /home/dsl/.fluxbox/init I agree with clivesay. A good way to find out where all of your custom settings files are kept for each application is to open up the emelfm file manager and then push the "H" button at the top of the window pane. This is because most settings files are either hidden files or are stored inside a hidden directory inside your /home/dsl directory. In Linux, a file or directory that begins with a period "." is defined as a Hidden file and is not usually seen in the normal directory listing. This can be a problem for the File -> Open dialog box for GTK programs like Beaver. By default, they do not show the hidden files. You can see them if you do the following: Using your mouse pointer, click inside the Filename selection entry box. Press the period "." button on your keyboard Press the ALT button on your keyboard The hidden files should then magically appear in the list. Hope this helps. This might be a good one to add to the DSL Documentation pages. Posted by Alan Cohen on April 28 2005,14:33
To : cbagger01Thank you. Added home/dsl/.fluxbox/init to filetool.lst, changed the Desktop Style, and restarted. It works! Thank you, Alan |