dual boot? does frugal do it?Forum: DSL Embedded Topic: dual boot? does frugal do it? started by: outanet Posted by outanet on Aug. 08 2005,11:23
Getting well in to DSL recently, I must recommend the IDE flash modules from < MINIITX.com >I used a 256 and parted it 55M/* for MyDSL and restore. anyway, to my simple question:- will a frugal install a dual booting Lilo, ie windows on hda1, linux on hda2, and a frugal to hda2 installs the dualbooting lilo on the MBR of the disk? also how can I edit the lilo.conf? many thanks for just looking, many more for a good answer. stu Posted by adraker on Aug. 08 2005,13:44
Hmmm...do I get half-points for sayingdunno about the lilo script, but the frugal grub script can account for a windows partition? ![]() Posted by outanet on Aug. 08 2005,14:32
Indeed you do get them, but grub on dsl needs to get files from either the web or elsewhere which can be painful in certain situations. I know i tried and eventually succeded.also I like lilo, just one of those preferences i got stuck with. stu Posted by mstrhelix on Aug. 08 2005,16:08
Why not just check the boot options from the cd. Boot from cd when you want to boot into DSL. Then press f2 to view booting options and do something like boot: DSL fromhd i'm not sure that this is exactly correct and that is why you need to view the boot options at the boot screen first. Posted by Max on Aug. 09 2005,23:55
Roberts specifically wrote the grub frugal install for dual booting with Windows. You may take your chances with the Lilo frugal. I'm writing this post from a dual boot notebook that I used the grub frugal install on. XP Pro is on hda1. Since this is my corp notebook, originally the whole disk was configured for XP. I used Partition Magic to free up some of the disk. Then booted DSL livecd and used fdisk to create a swap, frugal and general use partitions. Did a frugal grub install, rebooted and everything was perfect. Posted by outanet on Aug. 16 2005,17:32
well, sorry it took so long, but i wanted to be sure.thinkpad with hda1(fat32_w2k) hda2 (ext2_dsl1.4frug)and hda3(128Mswap) Frugal installs the MBR on that particular partition, ie if i chose to put the frugal on hda2, the machine boots back to winds. one day the script could be tweaked, im going to try grub. ill let you know. |