Digital Camera Support?

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Digital Camera Support?
started by: silashundt

Posted by silashundt on Dec. 12 2005,05:09
Hello DSL community,
I am a bit of a newb, and so, please treat absrud questions kindly.
I am wondering if a travelers utopia is within reach: if I could use frugal and install DSL on a 512 or 1 gig stick, watch the internet cafes closely and when ever I need to unload some pictures off my digital camera, I could just pop in and throw my pictures from my camera on to that drive. Also, I woulnd't have to worry about sleezy internet cafe folks mucking about with my nicely dsniff'd passwords (don't tell me it cant be done, I have stripped passwords out of hotmail, gmail and yahoo login routines.) Or more just a ghetto banger keystroke logger. Ever since the trip to bulgaria I have been getting spam faster and faster every day....

anyways, niether here nor there.

I have been poking around, and it seems that if I could get the libgphoto2 and gphoto2 installed I would be in business. (I am not SO worried about bloat, I could tolerate even a *gigantic* 75 or 100 MB installed size)

Again, I am a bit of newb. Is this possible. I am willing to work for it, and my unix skills are pretty solid (I am a certified mac os x specialist, if that means anything these days.)

a hint any one? just point me in the right direction....

the reason I put this int he ideas and sugg. forum is because it would be really awesome to market dsl (if I am allowed to use thw word "market" in this community) as a travelers delight: I am sure some of these snobby travelers would pay 250 dollars for a 512 or 1 gig set up, ready to rock.

lots of tinernet cafes have compys that have bios that allow this sort of thing (usb boot).
I the mean time I will continue to puts around and see if I can make it work.

over and out.

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 13 2005,17:41
Most digital cameras do not require special drivers or libraries.  They are recognized by the operating system as a standard USB Mass Storage device.

So in most cases, all you need to do is plug in your camera and after a few seconds it will appear as a new device in the /mnt folder

Start Emelfm, go to /mnt and then right-click on your new device (sda1?? sdb1??) and chooce "Mount".  When you are finished, go back and choose "Unmount" and then you can remove your camera.

The builtin image viewer in DSL works fine, or you could try GTKSEE from the MyDSL repository.

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