DSL Calc

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: DSL Calc
started by: _pathos

Posted by _pathos on Jan. 02 2006,23:36
xcalc is useless. I was thinking of building a terminal based calculator for dsl that would process C style equations on a line by line basis and have support for user variables. Does something like this already exist?

not sure whether to do it in C (fun) or C++ (easy).

Posted by crusadingknight on Jan. 03 2006,00:10
Posted by _pathos on Jan. 03 2006,01:41
hmmm, yeah I knew some one somewhere would have done it already :)


EDIT: meh no binary or hex support....I'll make my one

Posted by John on Jan. 04 2006,00:04
_pathos, I'd like to see what you come up with.
Posted by _pathos on Jan. 16 2006,07:37

I found a mind reader...

I'll build a front end and add binary/octal support. Maybe even arbitary length numbers with GMP Bignum.

I had been hoping to use a hack I had worked out using a separater operator stack for precedence...it would work but the code would have been just too cryptic and wouldn't handle syntax errors well. meh

Posted by _pathos on Jan. 29 2006,10:44
DSCalc is progressing well. I've spent a while adding better error information.

seems to be fully functional, I have no doubt there will be a bug or two because I've found some in the existing code and I don't think its been tested very well. oh well.

Source should be available soon, just adding in program documentation.

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