add executables to emelfm

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: add executables to emelfm
started by: dtf

Posted by dtf on Jan. 04 2006,11:17
I would like a button added to emelfm that would execute the file selected so I could easily execute privately written scripts.  Some restrictions would be acceptable like the script must end in .sh (or anything else).

Additionally (or as an option) I would like the menu drop down to provide a mechanism for adding my own scripts so I could execute them from the drop down menu selection.

Posted by clivesay on Jan. 04 2006,12:15
That functionality is already there. Look at the emelfm help. I have many extra buttons and extra entries in the right click user menu.

Click on the 'help' and 'configure' buttons in emelfm to learn more.


Posted by dtf on Jan. 04 2006,14:44
Thanks for the help.  I should have looked before I posted.
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