Disk On Chip SupportForum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: Disk On Chip Support started by: VinCBR900 Posted by VinCBR900 on Jan. 16 2006,21:12
Has anyone recompiled the Kernel to include M-Systems DiskOnChip support?For those unfamiliar, the DOC is a solid state Flash thingy that emulates a disk drive in DOS, and can be easily made to plug into a Network Card - < http://www.linux-hacker.net/cgi-bin....ost=986 > However, the 32bit linux kernel doesnt understand the DOS bios extension and needs a kernel mode driver. < http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=8752473528 > The DOCs are commonly used on thin clients with Windows CE, and it would be nice to install DSL instead. I know the kernel is already a bit big, but it might be an idea to include the DOC driver as is not very large. Cheers, Vincent Posted by AwPhuch on Jan. 17 2006,01:12
Ummm.....have you been looking at the forums at all?!?There is a new invention called a CFDISK which is a solid state Harddrive! It is in effect a HUGE A$$ DISK ON CHIP!!!!!!!! To see it in operation in a fanless quiet ultra micro device...please check out the most excellent < Nano-ITX Computer The Damn Small Machine > Smaller than a MICRO ITX!!!!!!!!!!! Brian AwPhuch Posted by hawki on Jan. 17 2006,01:32
HiI haven't tried for a while but in previous versions it was already compiled in. You did need to download the GNU utils to mknod the following devices then mount them. brw-rw-r-- 1 root root 93, 0 Jun 14 2005 nftla brw-rw-r-- 1 root root 93, 1 Jun 14 2005 nftla1 Good luck Posted by hawki on Jan. 17 2006,02:01
It looks like it still works in version 2.0cfdisk 2.11z Disk Drive: /dev/nftla Size: 73891840 bytes, 73 MB Heads: 16 Sectors per Track: 9 Cylinders: 1002 Name Flags Part Type FS Type [Label] Size (MB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pri/Log Free Space 73.88 [ Help ] [ New ] [ Print ] [ Quit ] [ Units ] [ Write ] Print help screen Posted by VinCBR900 on Jan. 17 2006,09:51
Cool! I will buy a DiskOnChip from Ebay and give it a go. I wasnt interested in IDE flash disk replacements since they are more expensive than the $20 that a used DOC costs. I doubt the frugal install script will work, as the bootloader needs to be special. If anyone else tries this, see < http://lakeshoremicro.com/diskonchip-grub-howto.html > Thanks for your help, Vincent Posted by gex582002 on Jan. 24 2006,16:38
Hi VinCBR900,If you get this working I would be interested in details. I want to try it out but I would like this to fit on a 48MB DOC. thanks, gex582002 |