Internet only ed.Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: Internet only ed. started by: Thulemanden Posted by Thulemanden on Jan. 19 2006,16:01
I'd like to see an even smaller DSl only giving operating websurfing and e-mailIt would be nice if it was a USB live distro too to boot up in pen drive mode. Posted by Slider on Jan. 27 2006,12:02
Hi, me too.. i have been trying to make DSL which just has the firefox and xpdf.. it would be great system.But, my problem is, i dont know how to remove software from DSL, and when i remaster it, i cant get those annoying icons away from desktop. I have backedup the config and copied it to right dir under filename myconfig, bookmarks works well, but annoying icons are always loaded in boot.. I think they come from the original cd. Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Jan. 27 2006,15:50
There is a version of linux based off of DSL called kioskcd ( It boots straight into a firefox browser and if the browser is closed another one will pop up. There is not desktop environment or mail server though...
Posted by struppi on Jan. 27 2006,15:53
do your own dsl-version using the remaster script....
Posted by pr0f3550r on Jan. 28 2006,15:53
DAmn, it's 82MB. It's bigger than DSL, then... Posted by doobit on Jan. 28 2006,21:11
DSL-2.1b has an icon tool to selectively move or remove icons as you wish. In ANY version of DSL you can choose to boot to a desktop with, or without icons. Posted by cmanb on Jan. 29 2006,03:24
There is a "noicons" boot option. Type that in at the boot prompt.My boot up sequence is usually "dsl toram dma vga=normal desktop=fluxbox noicons mydsl=/dev/hda6/mydsl" Posted by Slider on Jan. 30 2006,16:46
Icontool wont do me any good.. Because i dont want to use any media to save settings. My point is, it runs from cd OR usbdisk, starts to X and there is only couple icons Firefox and Xpdf.Next problem is to uninstall all soft what i dont need. Maybe i just use rm, and remaster it. I have problems with remastering thou, it does not keep desktopsettings even if i copy my /home/dsl to "source" dir before creating the cdimage. It was a bit strange, when i used mkmydsl to remaster, i made myconfig.tar.gz and i added it to cd. When i boot to the newcd there were all bookmarks on Firefox and flash, but the desktop has ALL the icons, which i removed before myconfig.tar.gz. I really want those icons away from desktop, but not all.. so bootopt "noicons" aint good either. And my next question is: How can i do 2 (or more) different cd´s.. I´d want that another one reads to ramdisk in boot, and another one does not? I do manual remaster, i wont use mkmydsl script. So i must edit lilo.conf before remastering that image, and put there all bootoptions what i want to use with that cd? This all would be so easy with "mkmydsl" if it would have some more options. ![]() If someone wants, i can put the iso to my netserver. When i get this finished.. Iso does not have any soft exept firefox and flash. ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on Jan. 30 2006,18:13
The myconfig.tar.gz can install new files, but it cannot make the already-existing default files disappear.Maybe you should do something like this: Create a new directory called: /home/dsl/.xtdesk_min and copy only the icons and lnk files that you want to keep from the default /home/dsl/.xdtesk directory. Then make a myconfig.tar.gz of the min directory. then add something like this to your /opt/ rm -rf /home/dsl/.xtdesk/* mv /home/dsl/.xtdesk_min/* /home/dsl/.xtdesk/* and then save the file and make sure that you use the DSL Backup/restore process. Posted by Slider on Jan. 30 2006,18:40
If i use backup/restore it works. But i want it boot from cd without icons. So no harddisk in computer at all.. ![]() Posted by Slider on Feb. 02 2006,19:05
Finally i got things working. /etc/skel is the place for desktopsettings before i remaster, now that works.Final question is, how i remaster cd:s with different boot options.. (like another loads to ramdisk, and scsi another does not) I checked lilo.conf but there were no such options, may i put them there? |