
Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: unionfs
started by: justauser

Posted by justauser on Jan. 22 2006,18:45
I took a look at Puppy Linux the other day.  They have done some nice work using unionfs.  The scheme allows / to be "writeable".  They write the changed files to disk when you shutdown and then restore them as part of boot.  It allows lots of flexibility in your set up and changes.

This works with a USB drive and a multisession CD.  Worth taking a look at.

Posted by Dzubin on Jan. 27 2006,13:24
SLAX uses unionfs quite successfully, although I understand there are some problems with later 2.6 kernels but work is being done on unionfs and it would be a nice addition to DSL
Posted by dzubin on Jan. 27 2006,13:35
an addendum... I just checked the unionfs site and as of Jan 25th 2006, there is a new version v1.1.2 (newest in 3 months) available at:
< ftp://ftp.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu/pub/unionfs/unionfs-1.1.2.tar.gz >

Actually, the only real reason I use SLAX as a base is because of unionfs... I'll see if I can shoehorn it into a customized version of DSL for myself.

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