screen lock,firewall

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: screen lock,firewall
started by: ianr

Posted by ianr on Feb. 08 2006,18:09
I am new to dsl, since 0.9x have used puppy.  In a large academic network I feel that puppy 1.07 has 2 things dsl doesn't:  A screen locker for when I leave the office, and a simple firewall.  But I love and use the ssh server a lot; something puppy doesn't have.
Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 09 2006,03:59
There is a simple firewall program called "rcfirewall" in the network section of the myDSL repository.  It also may require "iptables" in the system section. I am not sure.

I am not sure about the screen locker.

Maybe "xscreensaverGTK" in the apps section will work?

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