Forget the petition

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Forget the petition
started by: newby

Posted by newby on Sep. 02 2006,22:02
Forget the "petition" for a stripped down DSL.  Make it an opportunity for our developers to make money _and_ forge stronger links with other developers!

My vision:

1. A minimal, "skeletinized" DSL.

2. MyDSL applications saved with version numbers for those who want an older version.  BUT, latest versions with a special name, eg. "AppName_Latest.DSL."

3. A loadtime script that asks for a configuration name and looks for secondary script of that name on a floppy, USB key or in a special partition;

4. If no secondary script is found, Dillo loads a page that explains how the system works and has a link to a script building page on the DSL website.

5. If a secondary script is found, DSL runs it and ends with a "welcome to DSL" page in Dillo.

Want a new configuration?  Click on the build-a-script link, make your selections and save the script.

Reboot and the new script builds the new system.


Dad can have his floppy or USB key, Mom can have hers, Junior his and sister hers.  The CD can remain in the drive or be carried to another computer.

6. Finally, save the latest versions of applications either on a special partition or on a USB key.  The user can update to the latest versions at anytime with MyDSL.

It would take a little bit of work to rewrite a few scripts, but DSL would then be one of the _easiest_ distros for the new user --- with NO sacrifice for the advanced user who wants to remaster.

John could put plenty of donation pitches on the script building page.  (_Requiring_ a payment would be a difficulty for users in parts of the world where $2 is the daily wage.)

John could even have pitches for small donations for adding each app, thus giving the app developer incentive to configure a DSL file for each release.

Would some people donate $2 to DSL for building a configuration script?
YES, because it's useful to them!

Would some people donate $2 to the Firefox team for a DSL configured version of Firefox?
YES, because it's useful to them!

Would some people donate $2 to Open Office for a DSL configured version?  
YES, because it's useful to them!

Would some people not pay?  Yes, but they don't pay now!

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