Bluetooth on DSLForum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: Bluetooth on DSL started by: olipage Posted by olipage on Oct. 03 2006,09:59
Hi guys,thanks for the great work you've already achieved. I've developed small bluetooth application for which i am searching an distro to run it on. DSL is the perfect match for this, wouldn't there be the lack of bluetooth support. i now plan to extend all my own version of dsl to meet these requirements. maybe there is some generel interest on these topic so i could share my work and make it available to the others. to meet your space requirements i plan to build all this as an extension, but i won't be able to achieve this without modifying the kernel. i plan to rebuild the kernel with module support for the bt-parts. modules and util-apz would be packaged in the module. like this one should be able to meet the space reqs. at least i hope so right now. if you are interested in integrating these parts just let me know in what exact form, and on which exact version you would like me to work on this. in the meantime i will experiment with latest stable version. kind regards and keep up your great work... Oliver Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 03 2006,12:45
"util-apz"?Afaik bt support is enabled in the kernel, you just need to grab the modules - but there doesn't seem to be a great interest in bt as there has been no reports of success using those modules, but it's worth a try and a report. See Knoppix 3.4, or, of course, you could always try to recompile... Posted by olipage on Oct. 10 2006,16:38
hi, i managed to get it run, but it seems something is unstable right now. but as you might have expected i could not get arround without remaster dsl ![]() ![]() ![]() ;-) kind regards, Oliver Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 10 2006,20:16
If you could post like a guide on what you did it may help others in the future, and possibly someone will know why dsl gets frozen - but nice work!
Posted by olipage on Oct. 10 2006,23:05
hi guys,it seems i finally managed to get bluez fully working on dsl. no more frozen dsl, though i had not much time for testing till now. i'll keep you uptodate about stability of bluez, and compatiblity to java-bluetoothlib in prod-environment unfortunately i did not match the 50mb space reqs, but i did not bother much about libs, or modules that are not fully needed. some space surely can be freed up, but i don't think you can reduce it to 50mb without loosing some of the dsl features already implemented. below you can find a very rough guide of what i did, in case of interest i could rework it a little bit, to be more userfriendly ;-) sorry, but time is something very valuable ;-) kind regards... Oliver voila: setup remaster following knoppix-wiki: mkdir master mkdir source copy contents of /cdrom master copy contents of KNOPPIX source manually mount /dev/hda1 !! /dev/null permission denied issue mount proc dpkg-restore change distribution in source.list from oldstable ncah stable apt-get install bluez-utils screenshot of conflict forced installation of libxrandra2.dep using dpkg --forced-all -i ... screenshot of conflict apt-get install libxft2 screenshot of conflict means problem because findversion is not capable of -exec => manually adapt postinstallation script unter /var/cache/dpkg/gconf2.postinst executing chmod go=rX /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults commenting out find line in gconf2.posting finishing install with apt-get -f install voila gconf2 is setup apt-get install bluez-hcidump apt-get install libsdp2 copy bluetooth kernel modules from knoppix 3.4 /lib/module drivers/bluetooth net/bluetooth capifs.o capiutil.o kernelcapi.o capi.o update-modules umount /proc make knoppix file create md5sums create iso iso has 80mb ![]() boot from iso to install on memorystick using usb-zib change size of first partition. find shell script /usr/sbin/ for this modify line mkdiskimage -1 /dev/$DEVICE 100 64 32 Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 11 2006,01:12
Hm, I guess 30mb compressed is quite a bit...Just wondering, what is gconf2 required for? I don't have any bt hardware, but I'm sure someone will appreciate your guide. Cheers! ![]() Posted by olipage on Oct. 14 2006,09:28
Hi,i don't have any clue. there are a lot of package updates needed for blurz-utils to run. i did not check every dependency between the packages. i am sure, you can use a lot of the old already installed libs, but in my case i don't have the need to have it below 50mb as the application runs from usb stick. but lik ethis it runs ... have a nice day... Oliver |