DSL and AFFS tools

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: DSL and AFFS tools
started by: KeenEars

Posted by KeenEars on Jan. 06 2007,12:16
Hello there ! I`m new here and i`ve come with some suggestions and some reuests for help. I participate in Amiga Research OS project, and it happens now that it lacks a good installer, able to deal with native Amiga partitions (RDB) and
filesystems (FFS/SFS). Debian-linux has a package for this, named amiga-fdisk-cross (http://packages.debian.org/testing/admin/amiga-fdisk-cross) able to deal with such partitions. It depends on libreadline5 (>= 5.1) and libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6) (which maybe needs to be upgraded) and isn`t very large.
So DSL can become very useful for our society if it gets that package embedded or made as extension. Also as a developer`s "army knife", with gcc, tools, nice editor and our linux-hosted system.
I`ve found that i can`t add this package to DSL image so it`s better to be as extension i guess.
Can it be added, as extension or as a part of DSL ? Or how can i get help on this ? i`m not too much in linux really...maybe someone can/have time to that for me ?
Thanx! have a nice distro
(if DSL ever becomes ported to PPC, it can be the helping hand for EFIKA board users, and this package will too).
Thanx !

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