add QTpartedForum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: add QTparted started by: UltraMagnus Posted by UltraMagnus on Feb. 20 2007,10:28
would be ever so helpful when doing a hard drive install
Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 20 2007,12:35
What's not ever so helpful about fdisk or cfdisk? You have to remember what the S stands for in DSL. Small. DSL is 50MB of Linux. How big is qtparted and how much of a trade-off would it require to keep DSL at 50MB? The installed Debian package for qtparted is ~750kb. It has a lot of dependencies including parted (120kb installed) and libparted (440kb installed), not to mention libqt (3.3.3 is 3MB compressed as a deb, 7.4MB installed). So right there you'd have to give up a lot of usefulness just for a fancy GUI partitioning program. Try using cfdisk if fdisk is too confusing or burdensome. Posted by beakmyn on Feb. 20 2007,13:10
cfdisk is much easier. You don't really need the eye-candy of qparted to partition a disk.