please include a GUI bit torrent client in DSL

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: please include a GUI bit torrent client in DSL
started by: gizmomelb

Posted by gizmomelb on Mar. 25 2007,13:47
as the topic says, please include a GUI bit torrent client in DSL as standard, it'd probably mean so many more new people checking it out.
Posted by lucky13 on Mar. 25 2007,14:00
There are GUI and console torrent client extensions in the repository.
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Posted by WDef on Mar. 26 2007,23:20
frostwire.uci also doubles as a bittorrent client.
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Mar. 27 2007,03:13
Opera 9 comes with an integrated bt client as well.
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