TORAM info in Dillo

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: TORAM info in Dillo
started by: gregc

Posted by gregc on Mar. 28 2007,23:38
SOLVED------I am a newbie and finding it difficult to add toram permanently on my frugal install.The forum is helping and I am sure they will sort me out eventually.
However, dillo talks about the advantages of using toram without giving clear instructions on how to go about adding it to the install permanently-pehaps a step by step description could be given on dillo or wiki.

Posted by lucky13 on Mar. 29 2007,00:47
There's a step-by-step guide in the wiki and in the pdfdocs section on most mirrors. Look for the frugal how-to in the mirror (second link).

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Oops, the first link is the wrong one. The process of editing the menu.list, though, is the same with respect to which line toram goes:

...lang=us toram frugal home=wherever opt=wherever host=whatever

Posted by gregc on Mar. 29 2007,02:11
Quote (lucky13 @ Mar. 28 2007,19:47)
There's a step-by-step guide in the wiki and in the pdfdocs section on most mirrors. Look for the frugal how-to in the mirror (second link).

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Oops, the first link is the wrong one. The process of editing the menu.list, though, is the same with respect to which line toram goes:

...lang=us toram frugal home=wherever opt=wherever host=whatever

THANKS-The answer was in the pdf with the screen shots where I noticed a difference in the grub and lilo options. The problem is easily fixed because lilo gives toram as a boot option.I just reinstalled adding the toram option and we are cooking.
My suggestion remains though for other newbies to give them more guidance-eg the references you gave me in DILLO.

Posted by lucky13 on Mar. 29 2007,06:10
Quote (gregc @ Mar. 28 2007,21:11)
The problem is easily fixed because lilo gives toram as a boot option.I just reinstalled adding the toram option and we are cooking.
My suggestion remains though for other newbies to give them more guidance-eg the references you gave me in DILLO.

Yeah. Easily fixed, huh. I'm replying in the other thread you started because it wasn't so easy, huh. Why didn't you just reply here? Don't answer. Just use the other thread.
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