LAMP server

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: LAMP server
started by: myoldryn

Posted by myoldryn on April 03 2007,08:39
How about LAMP server.

The idea is simple.
As a web developer i have situations, where i have to present my work,  but i don't have any web server lieing around and laptop is somewhere else...

It would be grate to have webserver on my usb-drive, which is always attached to my keyring.

Posted by lucky13 on April 03 2007,11:56
Do you actually want full LAMP with Apache and MySQL and PHP or can you get by with what's already on DSL: monkey webserver, sqlite, and use lua or another scripting language just for presentation purpose?
Posted by roberts on April 03 2007,14:49
Check out < XAMPP >.
It works great with DSL and installs entirely within /opt

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