GaimForum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: Gaim started by: PhrozenFear Posted by PhrozenFear on Feb. 24 2004,06:13
Instead of Naim, which from your description is an IRC / AIM client, why not get Gaim, an open-source client that does AIM, IRC, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, Jabber, and more (depending on the plugins).The best one to get is Gaim 0.74-5 (comes with the Fedora Core 1 install) - that one still connects to Yahoo, then you're all set. When they come out with the new Gaim 0.76 (still under construction), you can upgrade to that. Posted by hasty on Feb. 24 2004,17:57
DSL is restricted in size so John has to keep all the apps as small as possible.Unless it is only a few bytes larger I doubt if he will consider it. If you want to try to use it do a hard disk install and apt-get it. Then post your results ![]() Posted by TyphoonMentat on Feb. 24 2004,19:46
Also, Gaim uses GTK+ 2, so it's out of bounds for DSL.
Posted by Modrak on Feb. 24 2004,21:00
I'm using it on my's great (and so the size :-)
Posted by PhrozenFear on Mar. 06 2004,08:37
I know we have the size issue here, but I still thought it would be a useful idea, considering that nAIM and nIRC that it uses are, honestly, crap.Anywho, I'm off to tweak myself a gaim-version of DSL - I've got a pocket-CD here that's still gt 130MB's to be full, so I'm gonna see how small I can make a DSL with Gaim. |