How about ROX as an icon managerForum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: How about ROX as an icon manager started by: ph33ri Posted by ph33ri on April 19 2004,20:23
i just came across < ROX > since it would be pretty handy to be able to use more a convenient way of creating/using icons/drag&drop i thought it might be a good idea to use rox in the furure releases of dsl.i havent tried it with dsl yet (not with the hdd install anyway) but rox+fluxbox would make a pretty nice alternative to ressource monsters like kde. ps: my 1st post, so be cool ![]() ps2: props to the creators of dsl. Having used linux for 5 years, this lightweight distro has managed to get a permanent place on my hdd ![]() Posted by Grim on April 19 2004,23:33
It's been suggested before and rejected due to size limitations.
Posted by cbagger01 on April 20 2004,00:25
Once upon a time, there was a script that would install Rox Filer from the Internet even if the user was running from the LiveCD.That script is located here: <;hl=rox > It works fine with DSL versions 0.5.x, but it has not been tested on a DSL 0.6.x system yet. You might want to try it and see if it still works. I would suggest installing from LiveCD first so you won't hose a hard disk installation if it is screwed up. Good Luck. PS: I think that Rox is a very nice and fast GTK+ program that does the following functions: Filemanager (Emelfm) Thumbnail viewer (xzgv) Desktop Icon system (xtdesktop) Plus, it has an extremely powerful file "Search" function that works kinda like a SQL database engine. However, Emelfm grows on you and now I prefer it to Rox Filer when I am browsing directories of files. xzgv is also a full size image viewer, so it can do something that Rox can not. xtdesktop is on a par with the Rox Filer "pinboard" mode, but xtdesktop double-click is more intuitive for ex-Windows users and the *.lnk files are very easy to auto-generate. However, Rox has a really cool drag-and-drop feature where you can create a new desktop icon by grabbing a file from the file manager window and dragging it on to the desktop. All are great programs, but they won't all fit on a 50MB size Business Card format CD-R disk. Posted by paul27 on April 20 2004,19:32
Well, seems you all havn't tried LuitLinux. It is based on DSL and uses ROX filer. Has also other goodies like the XFCE4 Desktop manager, Abiword and Gimp< > Posted by Grim on April 24 2004,23:27
Does it fit on a business card CD? No? Then who cares? Really? The whole trick to DSL is getting a functional desktop squeezed into 50Megs of compressed space. What differentiates Luit from Flonix or Morphix or any of the other DSL remasters? Nothing that I can tell. < > Undisputed champion in it's weight class and division. Posted by Vasco on May 04 2004,18:06
Hey Grim, we all know that DSL is the undisputed champion. You needn't repeat it. But then you should look at the new version of LuitLinux, v0.3.3. It has lost 15MB of weight and is now less than 50MB. Seem you are going to like it.
Posted by hasty on May 04 2004,21:21
Wow Has DSL come to this so soon?Wars of religion over 50mb true believers & hd install apostates willing to embrace more ![]() <pulls chair up close to screen & refills glass> Don't mind me pray continue.................. Posted by Guest on May 04 2004,22:42
FYI: Luit Linux from their packages list has removed Gimp and printing from v3.3. Also Luit Linux is based on the older kernel 2.4.20. This is what Damn Small Linux used in the 0.5.x series. So your network card, sound card, etc may not work. Still it has eye-candy appeal.
Posted by Grim on May 05 2004,00:52
Look, I have no problem with Luit, it seems to be a fine distro. I'm happy it's doing well. My only problem is that Luit users feel necessary to proselytize users of other distributions. "Oh! Luit can do that!", "That's been in Luit for ages!". I don't care. What's interesting is that there is so little going on at the Luit forums that their followers feel the necessity to come to this forum to preach its superiority. Now that I think of it, I understand why Luit users come to the Damn Small forums... so they can see what's going to be in Luit's next release. Once Luit users get the bandwidth, they'll make fine Gentoo users. Posted by monkymind on May 05 2004,05:42
I think you are being unnecessarily harsh. But thanks for inadvertently bringing the new release of luitlinux to my attention ![]() Downloading now .................... rob Posted by Grim on May 05 2004,08:58
"true believers"... ![]() You sound like Stan Lee. Hasty, correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't see shit like this on other distro forums. If you went into a Slackware, Debian or RedHat forum and started talking about the benefits of another distro in their forum, you'd get eaten alive. The only other user-base I've run across that does this is Gentoo users. Now, Gentoo is a great distro, I'm not gonna use it, personally, because I don't have the time to tie up my machine in order to compile an entire distro. If I were gonna use Gentoo, the optimization from compiling everything from source is very compelling and as a long time Debian user, I think I could get used to Portage. There are some very knowledgable Gentoo users who are very friendly and helpful, but for every helpful one I meet, I run across ten assholes I want to strangle. This is probably a personal failing of mine. There are certain bands I hate because of their fans, Matchbox20 comes, readily, to mind. There's nothing inherently wrong with the band, or it's music, but everytime I think of matchbox20, or hear one of their songs, I think of the vast majority of vapid losers I want to throttle that listen to and promote the band and I get sick to my stomach. It's hard to reconcile the large amount of dirtbags I meet with the relatively few polite Gentoo users I've had the pleasure of running across. I'm getting the same situation with Luit only without the helpful, knowledgable users. I haven't seen many useful contributions from the Luit crowd on these forums, only "telemarketing-like" Join Luit Now! It has X app not provided by rival DSL. It's like they're a AOL commercial slamming MSN or vice versa. Put all of my personal opinions aside, the Luit postings on this forum are an insult to John and Robert. To disrespect either of these gentlemen by bascially spamming these forums with Luit propaganda makes my hackles rise. Luit users might as well be saying that all of their hard work is for nothing, that DSL is basically worthless because it doesn't include the Gimp or Abiword on the liveCD. What's to keep hdinstall users from installing these apps? Air and opportunity? What if a Microsoft user came into the forum spouting the same nonsense, "This has been available in Windows since '95", how many users would join me in pointing the troll to the door then? I'm not deriding the hdinstall, it's a logical step, but the primary purpose for DSL's existence is as a business card-sized liveCD. It says as much right on the main page. Any other addition to the distro is extraneous to it's purpose. There's room for both Luit and Damn Small. Damn Small's room is here, Luit users need to go to their own forums like anyone with any amount of courtesy or etiquette would do. As long as they continue to exhibit the discourtesy of proselytizing DSL users on this forum I'll just as adamantly tell them to #### off. Posted by hasty on May 05 2004,16:18
Apologies Grim ![]() Post was humourous to me but drink had been taken............ymmv You know a distro has matured when holy wars break out. I've lurked on the slackware NG for over 6 years and never dared post. Very informative but like sharks they respond to blood in the water. ![]() The success of the distro is indicative of it's response to a wide variety of needs amongst it's users. For some it the portable nature while for others it's a great way to revive old hardware. The latter with hard disk installs will always be looking for little extras, so they will take an interest in what others have chosen to include. John has done a brilliant job with dsl, and with imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, all the other variants are confirmation of this. A broad church will have a wide cross section of adherents. I freely confess to having tried all forks, clones & hacks (and any others that may appear) - a serial mix & matcher seeking the perfect distro. In the past I've tried all the other older mini distros like Puppy,coyote,muLinux, Nuclinux, etc., and even tried rolling my own by stripping down slack as much as I could (not so easy). One thing I learnt is that it's easier to build up from a small base than strip down from a large one. (Good page on stripping down slack < > Since I've lead a sheltered life and never seen a 50mb cd my version of damn small has freebird, gimp2 & open office. One for manipulating digiphotos for my web site and OO for dealing with word docs from work. Enough rambling, the other great asset of damn small is it's user board and the attitude of it's users. ps Grim a new sig Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day Set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life Terry Pratchett Posted by Grim on May 05 2004,17:24
My wife likes this sig.
Posted by hasty on May 05 2004,20:01
Grims fairy tales huh,You must be the big green one with the funny ears ![]() Posted by John on May 06 2004,01:16
I appreciate the sentiment Grim, but for the record I don't mind if other distros are mentioned here -- even ones which were originally based on DSL. In fact I think it is cool that there are at least 16 distributions which are either based directly on DSL or 'barrow code.' The only thing that bothers to me is when a distribution takes code directly from our development and doesn't give credit -- it is actually a violation of the GPL. Personally, I like Luit, and the author seems to be a good guy. |