Bit of space?Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions Topic: Bit of space? started by: nucpc Posted by nucpc on Mar. 09 2005,23:23
So can't help but notice that the .iso has shrunk again (brilliantwork) and would like to suggest that if there was room could a stripped down version of `ntfsprogs' be added to the live CD? The items would be ntfsresize, ntfsfix and the one ntfs library which as .dsl is 67 kB (compressed size). Why? a) it does NOT turn DSL into a rescue disk, which would just be insulting, but b) with the live disk ALONE you could safely carve yourself a little room on an M$ machine - so no partition magic, no need to get net access and download alternative partition programs and its very safe. Oh yeah and it works (just did it with the dsl above and cfdisk).... Just a suggestion. Cheers. Posted by davide on Mar. 10 2005,09:04
not a bad idea!